Concept -Arena Defence James Dawes
Introduction Genre: first person strategy shooter 20 waves of shooting, flinging and using gravity to defend the arena against enemies. Arena Defence is a first person arena defence game build in Unity3D to put players in the role of a robot AI who is defending his home lab against rouge AI robots.
Key features Control gravity at a whim, turn it on, off or throw everything into the air Use gravity and portals to navigate the map to areas you couldn’t get to without Fight in a zero gravity environment Grab and Drop item system
Platform Currently the game has been developed for a PC platform, however the game could be adapted for mobile controls using on screen buttons.
Market Targeted at casual gamers 12+ who want a arcade 3D game experience with more complex mechanics such as gravity, portals and zero gravity movement.
Experimental Features Ability to turn gravity on and off, then in addition game objects that will add force to zero G objects to throw their momentum off. Example: Turn gravity off to propel player towards a floating platform, then turn if back on to land. Example: Use portal to create void and drop enemies into a death zone.
Major Development tasks Currently many basic features are completed. However the biggest concern for the game is to create a fun yet simple enemy AI system that will chase and attack the player but also react when changes to the gravity occur.