Using the Projector and Interactive Whiteboard to Enhance Instruction Using the Floating Tools iProject Interactive Session 4
Focusing Questions How do we use the floating tools? How can the floating tools be used to enhance instruction?
Framing Our Work In our first session, we learned how to connect. In our second session we learned some basic tools. In our third session we learned the importance of locking items, and the SideBar tools. Now we are going to look at an additional set of tools that incorporate functionality with NoteBook as well as with outside applications.
Teaching What are outside applications? >Excel >Word >PowerPoint >Video Player >Web Browser
Teaching Use the Floating Tool Bar to operate your tools from NoteBook. A Screen shot will automatically be placed inside NoteBook.
Guided Practice Open an outside application. Choose a tool, e.g., the pen. Write on the page. Capture to NoteBook.
Work Time
Getting Started You will now have 15 minutes to finish up your lessons. We will then share with the class our lessons.
Work Time Finish your lessons. Include an outside application. Minimum of 6 NoteBook pages. Save and be prepared to present to class.
Come to the projector and connect your mobile device. Show your lesson. Present from the Interactive Whiteboard rather than from behind the computer so that you can become familiar with best way to stand by it. Use your thumb drives and share your lessons with one another. Share
For more information, go to this Web site: Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom Share
For more information Office of Instructional Technology