Tree Distribution and Habit preference with respect to the Elevation, Rainfall and soil type of Western-ghats region (Karnataka) Presented by Sunipa Chaterjee and Parth Tailor
Study Area (56,808 km²) Western-Ghat Region of Karnataka
Objectives 1. To identify the tree distribution with reference to Elevation, Aspect, Soil type and Rain fall. 2. To identify the extent of prevalence of individual tree families and analysis of the area.
Methodology - Data Generation Map making And showing the distribution pattern, DEM data, Rain Fall, &Soil Data extraction Of study area With Vector and raster analysis Tree distribution with respect to elevation, Rainfall and soil Tree Individual data detail Data use- DEM- ASTER Data Rainfall, Soil type and Geo-regions of Western Ghats - Given data.
Western Ghats Geomorphic regions of Karnataka
Number of Trees in Geo-region
Impact of Elevation on Tree Distribution Low elevation coastal region has effect of urban sprawl
DirectionTree Distribution Count (in%) North12.34 North-East10.69 East10.46 South-East11.92 South14.03 South-West15.67 West11.54 North-West12.39 Not much variation in distribution
Geographical Range of individual tree family
Rubiaceae Family Tree Distribution and Area Range
Tree distribution dependency on Rainfall
Tree Distribution in different Rainfall zones
Tree distribution dependency on Soil type
Tree Distribution in different Soil types
1.TREE DISTRIBUTION PATTERN AND GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE: a)Tree population density is found to be highest in the central part of the study area b)Tree species of the families Rubinaceae, Ebenaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Anacardiaceae are spread across the whole study area and has highest geographical range. 2.HABITAT PREFERENCE: a)Rain fall zone – mm b)Soil type – Acrchean Complex rock c)Elevation – 375 – 750 meters d)Aspect – South-West direction Conclusion…
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