The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Funding (EPSRC)
EPSRC Organisation Structure DTI OSI RCUK AHRCBBSRCCCLRCEPSRCESRCMRCNERCPPARC Core Programmes Strategic Programmes
Budget 2006/07 Science Budget £3200M EPSRC £640M EPSRC Programme Expenditure
National research cycle Providers (mainly universities) Government EPSRCUsers (mainly industry) £ for research & training Opinions & £ Knowledge & people Policy & £ Information & influence World Knowledge & people
Science and Innovation Investment Framework Aim (10 Year Framework) Making the UK the most attractive place for science and innovation Public Service Agreement (PSA) Target: improve the relative international performance of the UK research base … improve the overall innovation performance of the UK economy…. Output 2 Better Exploitation “the science base is the absolute bedrock of our economic performance” Tony Blair Output 1 A healthy UK science and engineering base
The EPSRC vision… For the UK to be the most dynamic and stimulating environment in which to engage in research and innovation.
EPSRC Strategic Plan 2006 Outcomes Adventurous & Creative Research Talented Researchers Knowledge Exchange through Collaboration Multi-disciplinary Research Tomorrow’s Challenges Addressed Global Economic Competitiveness World Leading Researchers Strategies Partner Relationship Management Incentivising & Empowering Initiating Research Careers Encouraging Greater Impact through Grand Challenges Fostering Greater International Engagement
Outcomes of EPSRC Funding Knowledge produced by excellent RESEARCH Well trained competitive PEOPLE KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER to users of research
Funding Opportunities Responsive mode –Research Grants –Overseas travel grants and funds for visiting researchers –Maths for Industry and Business –First Grants Scheme –Workshops –Networks Managed Calls –Various EPSRC initiatives eg IDEAS factory and Science and Innovation Awards (see PhD Training –CASE awards –Maths CASE
CASE awards > 200 awards each year Companies awarded via algorithm, depending on collaborative research proposals and studentships (not CASE) Via RDAs and KTNs Via EPSRC Sector teams
EPSRC Peer Review Process Financial Allocations Proposer Associate Programme Manager Referees One from Proposer Two from College Peer Group Not Fund Feedback Comments to Applicant College Review Panel Programme Manager Council FundNot Fund NOYES Proposal Rank Order
EPSRC Sector Approach Developing strategic links between EPSRC and industry; To align EPSRC’s programme of research and training better with the needs of users.
Sector Work Objectives Awareness Involvement Understanding Partnerships Collaboration Exploitation
Getting Involved Taking part in peer review Collaborating on research and postgraduate training Exploiting outputs from research Involvement in EPSRC’s longer term strategic planning Strategic Partnerships with EPSRC
Further information Contact Katharine Bowes – EPSRC website –