CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 2a Monitors
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 2 But first … … catch up from last time o synchronization errors and Eraser
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 3 Enforcing mutual exclusion Assumptions: o Every thread sets the lock before accessing shared data! o Every thread releases the lock after it is done! Only works if you follow these programming conventions all the time! Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Lock Lock A = 2 A = A+1 A = A*B Unlock Unlock
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 4 Solutions to misuse (or no use) of locks Solution 1 - detection o use static or dynamic checking tools to help track down misuses of locking primitives (synchronization bugs) o How much can you detect? Solution 2 - prevention o have the compiler insert the synchronization primitives for you automatically o Which errors can be prevented this way, and which can’t?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 5 Solution 1: Checking tools (class 2 cont.) Eraser o A dynamic checker that uses binary re-writing techniques o Gathers an “execution history” of reads, writes and lock acquisitions o Evaluates consistency with rules Is it enough to simply check that some lock is held whenever a global variable is accessed?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 6 Automated checking of conventions Eraser doesn’t know ahead of time which locks protect which variables It infers which locks protect which variables using a lock-set algorithm o Assume all locks are candidates for a variable ( C(v) is full) o For each access take intersection of C(v) and locks held by thread and make these the candidate set C(v) o If C(v) becomes empty, issue warning
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 7 Improving the locking discipline The standard approach produces many false positives that arise due to special cases: Initialization o No need to lock if no thread has a reference yet Read sharing o No need to lock if all threads are readers Reader/writer locking o Distinguish concurrent readers from concurrent readers and writers
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 8 Improved algorithm virgin exclusive shared Modified (race?) rd, wr First thread wr rd, new thread wr, new thread wr rd
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 9 What can’t it detect? Deadlocks? Races that do not manifest themselves in this particular execution run It can’t prove the absence of errors, it can only show the presence of errors
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 10 Solution 2: Monitors Monitors employ two key concepts, both of which can be automated by a compiler: o Encapsulation: Local data variables are accessible only via the monitor’s entry procedures (like methods) o Mutual exclusion: The entry procedures are treated as critical sections
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 11 Two kinds of synchronization Mutual exclusion o Only one at a time in the critical section o Enforced via a mutex lock o Must ensure that critical section invariant holds before releasing mutex Condition synchronization o Wait (block) until a certain condition (stronger than the critical section invariant) holds o Signal (unblock) waiting threads when the condition holds
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 12 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 12 Invariant of a mutex The mutex “invariant” is the condition that must be restored before: o The mutex is released Example o Invariant A=B always holds outside the critical section o Read side critical sections depend on invariant A=B holding for correctness of their code o Write side critical sections update A and B, temporarily violating the invariant Must exclude read side critical sections Memory is immutable from the point of view of readers
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 13 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 13 Condition variables Mutex locks allow threads to synchronize before accessing the data Condition variables allow communication among cooperating threads o Used in conjunction with a mutex lock o Allows a thread in a critical section to wait for a condition to become true or signal that a condition is true Acquire mutex lock (enter critical section) … Block until condition becomes true (frees mutex lock) … Free mutex lock (leave critical section)
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 14 Logical view of monitor structures initialization code “entry” methods y x shared data condition variables monitor entry queue List of threads waiting to enter the monitor Can be called from outside the monitor. Only one active at any moment. Local to monitor (Each has an associated list of waiting threads) local methods
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 15 Monitors in Practice Can be implemented directly by the programmer o Essentially just a programming convention o Hoare presents the basic idea behind this Can be supported via library primitives o Programmers must follow a convention in their use o Pthreads is an example of this Can be part of a programming language and supported directly by the compiler o Compiler inserts code to acquire and release monitor lock o Reduces programming errors o Mesa is a move toward this
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 16 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 16 Library example: Pthread condition variables pthread_cond_wait (condition,mutex) o Releases “mutex” and blocks until “condition” is signaled o Note: must say which mutex you are associated with pthread_cond_signal (condition) o Signals “condition” which wakes up a thread blocked on “condition” pthread_cond_broadcast (condition) o Signals “condition” and wakes up all threads blocked on “condition”
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 17 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 18 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures? o Will spinning locks work?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 19 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures? o Will spinning locks work? o Will yielding locks work?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 20 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures? o Will spinning locks work? o Will yielding locks work? o What if we don’t want active waiting?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 21 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures? o Will spinning locks work? o Will yielding locks work? o What if we don’t want active waiting? Idea 1 (assuming uniprocessor): o Disable interrupts during monitor procedures
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 22 A Simple Example Goal: to build a blocking mutex lock using monitors o Monitor procedures are “acquire” and “release” Demonstrate use of interrupt disabling on a uniprocessor to implement mutual exclusion within the monitor procedures
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 23 Using monitors to build a blocking mutex Blocking_mutex:monitor Begin busy:boolean; nonbusy:condition; busy:=false; // initial value Procedure acquire() Begin if busy then nonbusy.wait; busy:=true; End Procedure release() Begin busy:=false; nonbusy.signal End; End Blocking_mutex;
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 24 Using monitors to build a blocking mutex Blocking_mutex:monitor Begin busy:boolean; nonbusy:condition; Busy:=false; // initial value Procedure acquire() Begin<----- disable interrupts if busy then nonbusy.wait; busy:=true; End<----- enable interrupts Procedure release() Begin<----- disable interrupts busy:=false; nonbusy.signal End;<----- enable interrupts End Blocking_mutex;
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 25 Using monitors to build a blocking mutex Blocking_mutex:monitor Begin busy:boolean; nonbusy:condition; Busy:=false; // initial value Procedure acquire() Begin----- disable interrupts if busy then nonbusy.wait; <----- ???? busy:=true; End----- enable interrupts Procedure release() Begin----- disable interrupts busy:=false; nonbusy.signal<----- ???? End;----- enable interrupts End Blocking_mutex;
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 26 Implementing condition variables Wait o Add process to queue of processes waiting on this condition o Suspend process o Release monitor’s mutual exclusion Wake up / schedule next process trying to enter monitor Reenable interrupts? Signal o Wake up / schedule first process waiting on this condition o Release monitor’s mutual exclusion by enabling interrupts? o Suspend yourself On what? … and how do you ever wake up again?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 27 Implementing mutual exclusion for monitors How can we implement mutual exclusion for monitor procedures? o Will spinning locks work? o Will yielding locks work? o What if we don’t have atomic instructions? Idea 1: o Disable interrupts during monitor procedures Idea 2: o Use binary semaphores
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 28 Building monitors from binary semaphores Dijkstra had invented semaphores a few years before o They could be used for a blocking mutex lock in the construction of monitors See example in the Hoare paper
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 29 Bounded buffer solution with monitors process Producer begin loop BoundedBuffer.append(c) end loop end Producer process Consumer begin loop BoundedBuffer.remove(c) end loop end Consumer BoundedBuffer: monitor var buffer :...; nextIn, nextOut :... ; procedure append (c: char) begin... end procedure remove (var c: char) begin... end end BoundedBuffer
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 30 Bounded buffer solution with monitors BoundedBuffer: monitor var buffer : array[0..n-1] of char nextIn,nextOut : 0..n-1 := 0 Count : 0..n := 0 nonEmpty, nonFull : condition procedure append(c:char) procedure remove(var c: char) begin begin if (Count = n) then if (Count = n) then wait(nonFull) wait(nonEmpty) end if end if buffer[nextIn] := c c := buffer[nextOut] nextIn := nextIn+1 mod n nextOut := nextOut+1 mod n Count := Count+1 Count := Count-1 signal(nonEmpty) signal(nonFull) end append end remove end BoundedBuffer
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 31 Alarm clock example AlarmClock: monitor Begin now: integer; wakeup: condition; now := 0; Procedure wakeme(n: integer); Begin alarmsetting: integer; alarmsetting := now + n; While now < alarmsetting do wakeup.wait (alarmsetting); wakeup.signal; End; Procedure tick; Begin now := now + 1; wakeup.signal; End; End AlarmClock;
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 32 Semantics of condition variables How many blocked threads should be woken on a signal? Which blocked thread should be woken on a signal? In what order should newly awoken threads acquire the mutex? Should the signaler immediately free the mutex? o If so, what if it has more work to do? o If not, how can the signaled process continue? What if signal is called before the first wait?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 33 Subtle race conditions Why does wait on a condition variable need to “atomically” unlock the mutex and block the thread? Why does the thread need to re-lock the mutex when it wakes up from wait? o Can it assume that the condition it waited on now holds?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 34 Different Monitor Semantics How do the semantics of Hoare’s monitors compare to those of: o the mutexes and condition variables described by Birrell? o Pthreads mutexes and condition variables? o MESA monitors?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 35 Hoare vs. MESA Semantics for Wait
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 36 Hoare semantics What happens when a Signal is performed? o signaling thread (A) is suspended o signaled thread (B) wakes up and runs immediately Result: o B can assume the condition on which it waited now holds o Hoare semantics give strong guarantees o Easier to prove correctness When B leaves monitor, A can run. Depending on how B resumes A it might resume execution immediately or after some other process
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 37 MESA Semantics What happens when a Signal is performed? o the signaling thread (A) continues. o the signaled thread (B) waits. o when A leaves monitor, then B runs. Issue: What happens while B is waiting? o can another thread (C) run after A signals, but before B runs? o Can A subsequently invalidate the condition on which B was waiting? In MESA semantics a signal is more like a hint o Requires B to recheck the state of the monitor variables (the invariant) to see if it can proceed or must wait again
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 38 Bounded buffer with Hoare monitors BoundedBuffer: monitor var buffer : array[0..n-1] of char nextIn,nextOut : 0..n-1 := 0 Count : 0..n := 0 nonEmpty, nonFull : condition procedure append(c:char) procedure remove(var c: char) begin begin if (Count = n) then if (Count = n) then wait(nonFull) wait(nonEmpty) end if end if buffer[nextIn] := c c := buffer[nextOut] nextIn := nextIn+1 mod n nextOut := nextOut+1 mod n Count := Count+1 Count := Count-1 signal(nonEmpty) signal(nonFull) end append end remove end BoundedBuffer
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 39 Bounded buffer with MESA monitors BoundedBuffer: monitor var buffer : array[0..n-1] of char nextIn,nextOut : 0..n-1 := 0 Count : 0..n := 0 nonEmpty, nonFull : condition procedure append(c:char) procedure remove(var c: char) begin begin while (Count = n) then while (Count = n) then wait(nonFull) wait(nonEmpty) end while end while buffer[nextIn] := c c := buffer[nextOut] nextIn := nextIn+1 mod n nextOut := nextOut+1 mod n Count := Count+1 Count := Count-1 signal(nonEmpty) signal(nonFull) end append end remove end BoundedBuffer
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 40 Subtle Problems with Monitors Many subtle problems arise with the use of monitors in real-world systems There are several different solutions to some of these problems o MESA monitor semantics differ from Hoare monitors o Many current implementations differ in subtle ways from both MESA and Hoare monitors
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 41 Deadlock You can still deadlock via access to a monitor mutex o If two or more monitors invoke each other’s entry procedures Deadlock can also occur with condition variables o See nested monitor problem (p. 20) of Birrell’s tutorial
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 42 Deadlock (nested monitor problem) Procedure Get(); BEGIN LOCK a DO LOCK b DO WHILE NOT ready DO wait(b,c) END; END; END Get; Procedure Give(); BEGIN LOCK a DO LOCK b DO ready := TRUE; signal(c); END; END Give;
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 43 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 43 Deadlock Deadlock is not good, but why is it better to have a deadlock than a race?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 44 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 44 Priority Inversion Occurs in priority scheduling Starvation of high priority threads Low priority thread C locks M Medium priority thread B pre-empts C High priority thread A preempts B then blocks on M B resumes and enters long computation Result: C never runs so can’t unlock M, therefore A never runs Solution? – priority inheritance - synchronization-aware scheduling - threads temporarily acquire the highest priority of any thread waiting for them
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 45 CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 45 Dangers of blocking in a critical section Blocking while holding M prevents progress of other threads that need M Blocking on another mutex may lead to deadlock Why not release the mutex before blocking? o Must restore the mutex invariant o Must reacquire the mutex on return! o Things may have changed while you were gone …
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 46 Spurious wake-ups and lock conflicts Reader-writer locking example (page 15, Birrell) o Writers exclude readers and writers o Readers exclude writers but not readers o Good use of broadcast in ReleaseExclusive() o Results in “spurious wake-ups” o … and “spurious lock conflicts” o How could you use signal instead? Move signal/broadcast call after release of mutex? o Advantages? Disadvantages?