AP Language and Composition “It’s a tricky Tuesday!” March 4, 2008 Mr. Houghteling
Agenda It’s / Its / Its’ and There / They’re / Their Description of visual stimulus A Speech
Indefinite pronouns and apostrophes With a partner (one paper, two names) create 1 sentence each for each of the following words: 1. it’s 2. its 3. there 4. their 5. they’re
What does each word mean? it’s = it is its = a possessive form of a thing owning something its’ = this word does not exist! ITS’
What does each word mean? there = not here! they’re = they are their = a plural possessive, a group owning something
Visual Stimulus This is a painting called Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley As you look at the painting, take in as much as you can, and describe the scene as carefully as possible.
Watson and the Shark Now listen to what David Lozell Martin wrote about “Watson and the Shark” in his 2007 novel Our American King.
Revisit your own description. What would you change? How far did you push yourself in terms of creating something powerful? Is there any unique or vibrant language that you did use? Share with us!
For homework, create a description, narration, or writing sample derived from looking at one of the paintings by John Everett Millais. 1. Lorenzo and Isabella 2. Pizarro Seizing the Inca of Peru 3. Christ in the house of his Parents