Software Engineering First term
Overview Who? Getting to know me Getting to know you What? Prerequisite knowledge Content Why? Objectives Job Market How? Methods Topics Grading system Schedule Resources Policy 2
Getting to know me Name: Nourah AL-Rossais Position: Lecturer Education: BSc. from King Saud University, KSA MSc from King Saud University, KSA How to contact me 2 nd level. Office#91 Office hours hanged on my door, or by appointment. 3
Getting to know you عرفينا بنفسك الأنشطة التي شاركت فيها داخل وخارج الجامعة هوايتك المفضلة المشاريع البرمجية التي شاركت في اعدادها ماذا تتمني أن تحققي في المستقبل ( الرؤيةالمستقبلية ) المواد التي درستيها وأعجبتك في القسم، وماذا استفدت منها 4
Prerequisite Knowledge English language reading and writing skills Programming Business modeling (from systems analysis and design course) Data models (ER diagrams) Functional (data flow diagrams) Object oriented (object models, class diagrams, sequence diagrams) 5
SW engineering vs. Systems Analysis 6 What you studied in System Analysis course constitutes part of software engineering. Software Engineering is a broader subject. To be a software engineer, you must master several skills, one of which is analysis and design. Q: What was covered in System Analysis course?
The Course We will learn how to develop quality software. Focus will be on overall software development process. Introducing stages in software development. Understanding the requirements for each phase. Describing the deliverables for each phase. Documentation and quality assurance 7
Course Syllabus Introduction to software engineering Software Process Models Project Management Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Software Design Validation and Verification Software Testing Software Evolution Software Configuration Management Software Quality Management 8
Why learn Software Engineering? 9
The Course Objectives Develop learners’ SW engineering skills such as: Requirements elicitation Architectural design SW Testing SW evolution Project management 10
The Saudi Job Market IT graduate job opportunity as a software engineer include: Solution developer Project manager SW Analyst SW designer Programmer SW Tester SW Quality manager 11
Methods To introduce the theory and basic concepts Lectures (Active Learning) Assignments (individual/Group) Tutorials (workshops/discussion sessions) Case studies Class group activities and competitions Guest Speakers 12
Assessment Assessment is more than grades: To many, the word "assessment" simply means the process by which we assign students grades. Assessment however is a mechanism for providing me with data for improving my teaching methods, and guiding and motivating students to be actively involved in their own learning. As such, assessment provides important feedback to both instructors and students. 14
Grading Scheme 30%Midterms (2) 10%Quizzes 15%Group Project 5%Assignments/Activities 40%Final Exam 100%Total 15
16 Project What is your area of interest? Project work on parallel to lectures Divided into Teams.
Why Team? Helps weaker students by providing a resource Helps average students by exposing to more viewpoints helps stronger students by allowing them an opportunity to teach and really learn And other benefits, like making new friends. 17
Exam Dates ExamDate Quiz 1Monday 27 th Feb 2012 Midterm 1Monday 19 th March 2012 Time:12-1 Midterm 2Monday 16 th April 2012 Time: 12-1 Quiz 2Mon 7 th May
Course Resources 19
Textbook Sommerville, Ian “Software Engineering” 9 th edition, PEARSON 20
The Course Blog The CAP 312 course has a blog located at I will use it for Making announcements Providing course calendar Uploading lecture slides, and assignments Reading your comments and views on the topics Answering your questions 21
Policy Mobiles should be turned off during lectures and tutorials. No makeup exams except in extreme cases with evidence and the approval of the exam committee. Academic dishonesty (plagiarism) is strictly prohibited, and both parties will be penalized. 22