1 Benchmarking Methodology WG (bmwg) 71st IETF – Philadelphia, PA USA Monday, March 10, 2008, 13:00-15:00 (Salon J) Chairs: –Al Morton If you are not subscribed to the BMWG mailing list and would like to be, put a BIG asterisk (*) by your legibly-printed address when you sign the blue attendance sheet, or go to
2 BMWG Agenda (Any Bashing needed?) Note-Taker(s), Jabber, IPR (Yellow Sheet), Blue Sheets WG Status (Chair, 10 min) IGP Dataplane Convergence (Poretsky, 15 min) Accelerated Stress Testing. (Poretsky, 10 min) Protection Benchmarking (Poretsky, 20 min) Milestones Status (Chair, 5 min) Proposed Work (Chair, 60 min, nominally 15 min each) –MPLS Benchmarking Methodology (Asati) –SIP Performance Benchmarking (Gurbani,Davids,Poretsky) –LDP Convergence (Asati ?) –Wireless LAN Switches Alexander) –(not appearing this time): MPLS-TE (Vapiwala) Bi-Directional Forwarding Detection (Karthik) Multicast VPN Scalability (Dry) AOB (???, 5 min)
3 BMWG Activity AD/IESG Review Rev I-Ds Approved Announcement… WG Last Call Revised on LC comments I-Ds draft-ietf-bmwg-ipsec-meth-03.txt draft-ietf-bmwg-ipsec-term-10.txt draft-ietf-bmwg-protection-term-04.txt Need Readers draft-ietf-bmwg-protection-meth-03.txt Need Readers
4 BMWG Activity Work Proposals. –draft-alexander-bmwg-wlan-switch-term-01.txt <=Revised –draft-alexander-bmwg-wlan-switch-meth-01.txt <=Revised –draft-vapiwalla-bmwg-TE-convergence-motivation-01.txt <= –draft-poretsky-sip-bench-term-04.txt <=Revised –draft-poretsky-bmwg-sip-bench-meth-02.txt <= –draft-sdry-bmwg-mvpnscale-03.txt <= –draft-akhter-bmwg-mpls-meth-03.txt <=Revised in Dec –draft-eriksson-ldp-convergence-05.txt <=Revised –draft-karthik-bmwg-ldp-convergence-meth-02.txt <=Revised –draft-salahuddin-bmwg-bfd-motivation-00.txt <= Expired Expected I-Ds –
5 BMWG Activity Expired BMWG I-Ds –, – Pending term – RFC Editor –None yet Charter Update –Set REVISED Milestones, and extend for new work. Supplementary BMWG Page –See New RFC: –none RFC 2889 Appendix Errata?
6 IPsec Benchmarking Updates Term draft (10) –Removed back-back terms –IKE SA Capacity => IPsec Tunnel Capacity –Added new DOS attack resiliency: Anti-Replay Meth draft (03) –New Methodology Format Section, added topology in each procedure –Added SONET & IEEE 802.1q/.3as frame sizes –Modified wording in capacity and failover tests –Completed the DOS Attack methodologies
7 Standard “Paragraph” (intro/security) Benchmarking activities as described in this memo are limited to technology characterization using controlled stimuli in a laboratory environment, with dedicated address space and the constraints specified in the sections above. The benchmarking network topology will be an independent test setup and MUST NOT be connected to devices that may forward the test traffic into a production network, or misroute traffic to the test management network. Further, benchmarking is performed on a "black-box" basis, relying solely on measurements observable external to the DUT/SUT. Special capabilities SHOULD NOT exist in the DUT/SUT specifically for benchmarking purposes. Any implications for network security arising from the DUT/SUT SHOULD be identical in the lab and in production networks.
8 Current Milestones Dec 2007 IPsec Device Benchmarking Terminology to AD Review Dec 2007IPsec Device Benchmarking Methodology to AD Review Dec 2007 Router Accelerated Test Terminology I-D to AD Review Dec 2007Router Accelerated Test Method. and Considerations I-Ds to AD Review DONE IPv6 Benchmarking Methodology to AD Review Feb 2008 Terminology For Protection Benchmarking to AD Review Feb 2008 Methodology For Protection Benchmarking to AD Review Jul 2009 Basic BGP Convergence Benchmarking Methodology to AD Review. Dec 2007 Net Traffic Control Benchmarking Methodology to AD Review. Dec 2007 Router Accelerated Test Method for EBGP to AD Review Dec 2007 Router Accelerated Test Method for Operational Security to AD Review
9 Work Proposal Summary Matrix Work Area > Criteria \/ SIPMPLS Mcast VPN Scalability LDP Converg BFD WLAN switch RSVP- TE Proposal YYYYYYY In Scope of Charter? (acm) YYYYY No Overlap w/802.11T Y Draft(s) Draft gives motivat. 1+1 Draft gives motivat. Sig. Support at meetings SIP leaders comments 12/2007 Y Yes, but also some objections Sig. Support on List Interest in 2006, much support 12/2007 Lots of Recent comments 12/2007 Many 12/2007 comments Many 2/2008 comments Some comments Dependencies SIPPINGL3vpn spec
10 Charter Text Extension In addition to its current work plan, the BMWG is explicitly tasked to develop benchmarks and methodologies for the following technologies: * MPLS Forwarding: Develop specific methods to characterize the latency and forwarding performance of MPLS devices, extending the fundamental recommendations of RFC 1242 and RFC 2544 to this networking technology. * SIP Networking Devices: Develop new terminology and methods to characterize the key performance aspects of network devices using SIP, including the signaling plane scale and service rates while considering load conditions on both the signaling and media planes. This work will be harmonized with related SIP performance metric definitions prepared by the PMOL working group.