Mrs. Yancey Room B8 7 th Grade Science
Teacher Introduction
My Husband
My Sisters
My Dog Max
My Nieces and Nephew Abigail, Carly, Jorja and Trent
Mrs. Yancey, at your age!
Supplies 3 ring binder Loose leaf paper Pens and pencils School Planner Calculator and colored pencils (optional)
My Science Survey (Answer in complete sentences. ) My favorite part of Science is… My least favorite part of Science class… I know a great deal about… I know very little about… I have questions about(confuses me)… I would like to learn more about… On a scale of 1 to 3 (3 being high, 1 being low), my confidence level in Science class is a ___________.
What To Bring to Class EVERYDAY!!! Notebook Pen/Pencil SO Book AR Book Be Prepared!
Team Name Turn in any team name ideas to a core teacher by this Friday!
Classroom Procedures
Follow All School Rules Dress Code Gum Tardy Policy No Horseplay Cell Phones (off and in backpack)
Tardy Policy You are to be in your assigned seat with your pencil sharpened and your SO book on your desk by the time the bell rings. This is your warning!
NO GUM! This is your warning! Gum = Detention
Mrs. Yancey’s Web Page Homework Assignments Upcoming Project descriptions and due dates Interactive Study Guides hers/YanceyS/index.html
SO Books You will fill in every box for your 4 core classes EVERYDAY! DO NOT fold or rip out pages! The SO book is a school textbook and will be collected at the end of the year.
AR Books You should have your AR book with you during all classes. You can earn 5 extra credit points for every AR point you earn by reading science non- fiction books
Observe the 5 Ps Prompt Prepared Polite Productive Positive
Be Respectful Of others and their property If it is not yours, DON’T TOUCH IT!
Do Not Touch! Any materials or equipment unless you have been instructed to do so.
Bellwork Is to be copied and completed SILENTLY during the first 10 minutes of class. If you have a question raise your hand and ask me.
THE BELL All students will give Mrs. Yancey their undivided attention, in SILENCE, when she rings THE BELL
Classroom Check The classroom will be checked before the bell rings. –Materials have been properly stored –Lab stations are clean/reloaded –Floor is clean
Backpacks Under your desk please!
Assigned Seats Please remain in your assigned seats until the bell has rung and the teacher has dismissed the class. Bells do not dismiss students, teachers dismiss students!
Assignment Heading Name (first/last): Date: Period: Top right Assignment Title: Top Center Skip one or two lines
Homework Is given about three times a week Late homework is not accepted Assignments will be posted on assignment board and listed on the teacher web page
Homework Passes Late Homework is not accepted You will receive 2 Homework passes which can be used throughout the first semester. If you do not use them, they may be turned in for extra credit at the end of the semester. They are your responsibility, do NOT lose them!!
Grading System Point System: total points earned X 100 Total possible points Assignments vary in points
How to Calculate Your Grade Homework: 100 points out of 150 Tests: 180 points out of 200 Classwork: 150points out of /550 x 100 = 78%
Make-Up Work It is the student’s responsibility to make up assignments missed due to absences. 10 school days How? Assignment Calendar What Did I Miss? Binder Teacher Web Page Mrs. Yancey
Laboratory Procedures
Teacher Permission Always obtain teacher permission before beginning any activity Wait for the “GO!”
Lab Procedures Study the lab procedure. If you have questions, ask your teacher.
Clean Your Work Area Return all materials “Reload” if necessary Wipe down lab station
WARNING! “Rough-housing” and fooling around will not be tolerated.
Book Jail If you choose not to follow these procedures you will be sent to “Book Jail”
Consequences For students who CHOOSE not to follow classroom procedures: Detention Seat change Conference with teacher Parent phone call Referral to Dean’s Office
Rewards Praise Positive notes home Social time Extra credit points Stickers Candy
I look forward to a productive and enjoyable year.