Boat experiment Aethalometer data analysis
Boat experiment Goals –To detect secondary aerosol originated from the interaction of urban and forest sources, using a movable detection system, to search the best place to measure the Manaus plume.
Boat experiment Logistic: 2 boats (measurement and generator boats)
Boat experiment General view Maintenance stop
Boat experiment Available systems –Gases monitors: NO, NO 2, O 3, H 2 O (v), CO 2 ; –CPC, nephelometer, aethalometer, PICAS-P; –Filter for organics aerosols and VOC’s; –AFG filters –Meteorological station
Boat experiment The crew Boat 1: –Scientists : 4 –A cooker, the captain, an electricity technician, and a “make everything” man. Boat 2: –Two mariners total: 10 people
Boat experiment Sites:
Boat experiment Criteria of these choices of sites –Numerical meteorological forecasting from IAG, CPTEC (and NOAA?): highest probability to find the Manaus plume
Boat experiment Results –1 st travel: site at the entrance of Manacapuru lake; –We found the plume.
Boat experiment Aethalometer data of site 1(Manacapuru lake)
Boat experiment 11-July July Local time Boats moving Contamination event
Boat experiment –2nd travel: site at the Anavilhanas islands and other points of Negro river; –We found the plume.
Boat experiment Aethalometer data of site 2:
Boat experiment 16/07/01 17/07/ Local time
Boat experiment 18/07/01 19/07/ Local time (hs)
Boat experiment 20/07/01 21/07/ Local time
Boat experiment 3 rd travel: 26 and 27-July, again at Anavilhanas islands; Too many contaminated data. Despite it, the plume was found.
Boat experiment Aethalometer data of 3 rd travel Plume
Boat experiment Plume event Plume event?
Boat experiment Plume event Plume event?
Boat experiment Conclusions: –The plume was clearly found; –There is a need to wait the Max Planck analysis to elucidate the features of the plume.