Los Alamos National Laboratory Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy “Development of High Temperature Superconductor.


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Presentation transcript:

Los Alamos National Laboratory Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy “Development of High Temperature Superconductor Coated Conductors” Dean Peterson Superconductivity Technology Center

HTS Phases of Interest for Applications PhaseAbbreviationTc(K) YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 Y12392 Nd 1+x Ba 2-x Cu 3 O 7 Nd12396 Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 Bi Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 10 Bi TlBa 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 8 Tl Tl 2 Ba 2 CaCu 2 O 8 Tl Tl 2 Ba 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 10 Tl

HTS Benefits are Widespread Los Alamos National Laboratory

Future Electric Power System WTEC Report(97)

Brick-Wall Model of High Tc-Superconductor

Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current Density, Jc, at selected temperatures for Bi2223/silver tape B(T) J c (A/cm 2 ) B//C MF-1 T-20K T-35K T-50K T-64K T-77K

Ion Beam Assisted Deposition for making textured YSZ layers on Ni tapes Assisting Ion Beam Gun Deposition Ion Beam Gun 35.3° YSZ Target Ni Tape Vacuum Chamber 54.7° YSZ Unit Lattice