I’ VE C HOSEN A P ROJECT … N OW W HAT ?! By Ashley Bringenberg Marshall Middle School
I DENTIFYING V ARIABLES In order to begin the next phase of your project, it is important you can explain, in detail, what your project is investigating. A good way to do this, is by listing the following: Independent variable Dependent variables Control variables Retrieved from: on 9/25/2015http://
U NDERSTANDING THE R ISKS Projects involving humans, hazardous chemicals and/or equipment, or vertebrate animals, must complete additional paperwork and receive special approval. If your project poses a risk of physical or psychological harm to participants and/or the researcher, it will likely be denied approval. If this happens, you will need to either alter your project to minimize/eliminate the risk, or choose a new topic. Retrieved From: On 9/25/2015http://
F ORMS TO F ILL O UT Everyone: Student Checklist 1A Abbreviated Research Plan Approval Form 1B Students with projects involving hazardous chemicals and/or equipment: Risk Assessment Form Students with projects involving vertebrate animals: Vertebrate Animal Form 5A and 5B
F ORMS C ONTINUED … Students with projects involving humans: Human Participant Form Human Informed Consent Form Students conducting research in a location other than home or school: Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form Retrieved From: indianaindianapolis-bankruptcy-attorney-says-its-all-in-the-paperwork/ On 9/25/2015https:// indianaindianapolis-bankruptcy-attorney-says-its-all-in-the-paperwork/
R ESEARCHING Y OUR T OPIC It is time to determine what you need to know about your project. When you complete the written portion of the project, you must have at least 3 entries in your bibliography. One of those will be the science buddies project you looked at to get your idea. The other 2 or more will be places you found: Tips for completing your experiment Tips for collecting and recording data Information to support your hypothesis Retrieved From: h-information-system.jpg On 9/25/ h-information-system.jpg
C ONDUCTING R ESEARCH IN THE L IBRARY Before you begin your library research, you need to have at least 3 words or SHORT phrases ready to enter into a search engine. Think about what you need to know, decide how you will search for that information Retrieved From: On 9/25/2015http://cs.ucsb.edu/~xiaohanzhao/projects.html
A BBREVIATED R ESEARCH P LAN All students will fill out the Abbreviated Research Plan What is your research question? What is your hypothesis? Describe your methods. Describe any risk and safety concerns. Bibliography (min. 3)
S CIENCE F AIR Q UESTIONS Where are we presenting? Most likely, we will have a classroom science showcase in the cafeteria. This will give everyone the opportunity to display and talk about their project. When are we presenting? The week of February 8-12 (at MMS) Where/when do we buy a tri-fold board? FCPS is purchasing them for 6 th graders; I do not yet know when they will be delivered Retrieved From: display-boards.html On 9/25/ display-boards.html
S CIENCE F AIR Q UESTIONS C ONTINUED How will we be graded? You will get grades throughout the process for completing each set of steps (ex: you will receive a grade for the paperwork you have completed thus far). You will also receive a large grade for your completed project/display board You will receive an English grade for your completed research paper (this is simply all of the pieces you will be writing for me/need on your display board, put into one paper). Retrieved From: micaffairs/academic_procedures.html On 9/25/ micaffairs/academic_procedures.html
S CIENCE F AIR Q UESTIONS C ONTINUED When can we begin our project? You may not begin the actual experiment until after December 18 (earlier only if you receive prior approval from your teacher). Retrieved From: games+2/Learning-benefits-of-kitchen-science-experiments htm On 9/25/2015http:// games+2/Learning-benefits-of-kitchen-science-experiments htm