What Chinese dynasties have we already talked about? and What did they accomplish? 5 minutes to discuss
After the fall of the Han Dynasty in China there were three to follow before the Mongols invaded 1.Sui Dynasty 589 – 618 (short and insignificant) 2.Tang Dynasty 618 – Song Dynasty
Very short but led the way to Tang. (much like the Qin to the Han) Helped to re-unify china Huge focus on Confucianism and Buddhist practices Over extended themselves on finances building canals, and military
Conquered central Asia to Bactria (Afghanistan) by 618 Strengthened the Great Wall Government bureaucracy was influenced by the scholar-gentry Buddhism gained acceptance with Confucianism ◦ Empress Wu was a great supported of Buddhist art and sculpture Overall Confucianism gained more support Dynasty weakened because of internal rebellion By 907 nomads from the North had overtaken the Tang
Trade along the Silk Roads was protected Contacts with Islamic empires Chinese “junks” were the best ocean going ships in the world Paper money was introduced “Flying Money” letters of credit for long distance trade Canals and irrigation improved agriculture Gunpowder invented Tea and fast growing rice was introduced from Vietnam Population in the rice growing south surpassed the North
960 China was overtaken by the Song They were unable to control the Khitan Nomads of the north Civil service exams became a prerequisite for government positions Neo-Confucianism – arose as a blend of Confucianism and Buddhism The Jurchens of northern China overtook the Song by 1200
Continued overseas trade Landscape paintings popularized Catapults, grenades, flamethrowers, and rocket launchers Printing with moveable type Magnetic compass for ocean travel Abacus developed for counting Practice of “footbinding” spread to the elite classes Patriarchal family intensified
7 th century Chinese culture reached Japan Buddhism mixed with Shinto (traditional Japanese beliefs) 11 th century Japan divided into small states led by BUSHI, who led the government and their own military Samurai served the BUSHI ◦ Rise of the samurai moved Japan to a type of feudalism like western Europe ◦ Bushido – code of the Samurai ◦ Seppuku – form of Samurai suicide where they disembowel themselves if they are dishonored Peasants became SERFS – bound to the land and considered property 12 th century Gempei Wars placed peasants against Samurai 1185 the Minamoto Family establishes the Bakufu or military government As imperial government broke down Japan distanced themselves from China
13 th and 14 th century was ruled by prominent families, with the military controlled by SHOGUNS 1467 – 1477 Japan was divided into 300 tiny kingdoms each ruled by a warlord called a Daimyo ◦ Led poorly trained peasant armies ◦ Daimyo taxed the peasants ◦ Trade between villages blossomed into trade with China Tea Ceremony and decorative gardens were added to Japanese culture
Chinese influence in Korea can be traced to 400 BCE with metallurgy and agriculture Tang rulers defeated Koreans who resisted Chinese rule Silla Kingdom of Korea proved able to defeat the Chinese ◦ 668 Chinese withdrew and the Silla united Korea ◦ The Silla took on Chinese customs such as the KOWTOW (bow) Confucian civil service exam was introduced to Korea Improved Chinese porcelain techniques to produce CELADON 13 th century Mongol invasion of Korea interfered with the Chinese Korean connection
Vietnamese admired the technology and political ideals of China but enjoyed their independence Different spoken language Traded and interacted with China as far back as the Zhou Lived in Villages rather than cities Vietnamese women enjoyed more privileges Buddhism gained greater popularity in Vietnam The Han conquered Vietnam in 111 CE 939 Vietnamese gained independence Vietnamese were able to take over neighboring countries like Cambodia because or military organization and technology from China