Learning Objectives SWBAT: Identify and describe the different parts of the male and female reproductive anatomy. Essential Skills: C-5 Demonstrate understanding of concepts
Male Reproductive Anatomy SpermThe male sex cell SemenFluid which nourishes and carries sperm; fluid that is discharged during ejaculation TestesMale sex gland that produces sperm and testosterone ScrotumSac of skin that contains the testes (and accessory organs) EpididymisCord-like structure located in the testes; responsible for storage, transport, and maturation of sperm
Male Reproductive Anatomy Vas DeferensTube through which sperm travels (from epididymis to seminal vesicles) Seminal VesiclesPair of glands located behind the bladder; secretes fluid that makes up the majority of the semen Cowper’s Gland2 small glands located on either side of the prostate; secretes fluid that forms part of the semen Prostate GlandSecretes fluid (part of semen); has a valve which restricts flow of urine BladderOrgan that stores urine
Male Reproductive Anatomy UrethraTube that carries urine from bladder to outside of the body Glans PenisHead of the penis PenisMale sex organ; becomes erect during sexual intercourse ForeskinLoose fold of skin that covers the glans penis CircumcisionSurgical removal of the foreskin
Male Anatomy 1. Bladder 2. Seminal Vesicles 3. Prostate Gland 4. Urethra 5. Cowper’s Gland 6. Vas Deferens 7. Epididymis 8. Testes 9. Penis 10. Foreskin 11. Glans Penis 12. Scrotum
Thinking in Categories: Males Parts that are inside the body: Parts that are outside the body: Parts that come in pairs: Testes Epididymis Vas deferens Seminal Vesicles Prostate Gland Urethra Cowper’s Gland Penis Scrotum Glans Penis Foreskin Testes Epididymis Vas deferens Seminal Vesicles Cowper’s Gland
Thinking in Categories: Males Parts that are glands: Parts that are passageways: Parts that produce semen: Testes Seminal Vesicles Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland Epididymis Seminal Vesicles Urethra Vas deferens Testes Seminal Vesicles Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland
Female Reproductive Anatomy Egg/OvumFemale sex cell; joins with male sex cell at conception OvariesContains immature ova (eggs); responsible for ovulation and the production of hormones Fallopian TubesOva travel through these tubes; fertilization occurs here UterusOrgan where baby grows and matures during pregnancy Umbilical CordConnects placenta to fetus; transports nourishment
Female Reproductive Anatomy PlacentaProvides nourishment for growing fetus Amniotic SacFluid-filled sac that surrounds the fetus during development CervixOpening to the uterus Vagina“birth canal” LabiaHair-covered folds of skin that protect female external genitals
Female Reproductive Anatomy VulvaExternal genital organs of the female (includes labia, mons pubis, and clitoris) HymenMembrane that may partially cover opening to vagina ClitorisA site of female sexual stimulation BladderOrgan that stores urine UrethraTube that carries urine from the bladder to outside of the body BreastsSecondary sex organ that produces milk after childbirth
Female Anatomy 1. Uterus 2. Fallopian Tubes 3. Cervix 4. Vagina 5. Hymen 6. Labia 7. Clitoris 8. Urethra 9. Bladder 10. Ovary
Thinking in Categories: Females Part that are inside the body: Parts that are outside the body: Parts that come in pairs: Ovaries Fallopian Tubes Uterus Urethra Cervix Vagina Hymen Clitoris Labia Ovaries Fallopian Tubes Labia
Thinking in Categories: Females Parts that expand during fetal development & birth: Parts that are passageways: Parts that have openings: Uterus Vagina Cervix Hymen Fallopian Tubes Urethra Vagina Cervix Uterus Urethra Fallopian Tubes