International Standard


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Presentation transcript:

International Standard Tomatoes International Standard

CODEX STANDARDS OF TOMATOES DEFINITION OF PRODUCE Tomatoes may be classified into four commercial types: − “Round”; − “Ribbed”; − “Oblong” or “Elongated”; − “Cherry” tomatoes and “Cocktail” tomatoes.

Maturity Requirements The development and condition of the tomatoes must be such as to enable them: − to withstand transport and handling; and − to arrive in satisfactory condition at place of destination. Maturity Requirements The development must be such as to enable them to continue and reach the appropriate degree of ripeness

> “Extra” Class B. CLASSIFICATION superior quality. Tomatoes are classified in three classes defined below: > “Extra” Class superior quality. must have firm flesh must be uniform in terms of size must be free of greenbacks and other defects

Class I good quality must be uniform in terms of size must be free of cracks and visible greenback Slight defects, however, may be allowed − a slight defect in shape and development; − a slight defect in colouring; − slight skin defects; − very slight bruises.

Class II Slightly less firm than in Class I Defects may be allowed − defects in shape, development and colouring; − skin defects or bruises − shallow healed cracks not more than 3 cm in length

PROVISIONS CONCERNING SIZE There is options for sizing tomatoes: Following the table of requirements

2. Following uniformity provision The maximum difference in diameter between tomatoes in the same package shall be limited to: - 10 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit is under 50 mm; - 15 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit is 50- 70 mm; - 20 mm, diameter of the smallest fruits 70 mm -100 mm; - There is no limitation for fruit equal or over 100 mm. 3. Sizing by count, diameter or weight

Provision Concerning Tolerance QUALITY TOLERANCES number or weight of tomatoes not satisfying the requirements Extra class =5% Class I = 10 % Class II = 10% , with the exception of produce affected by rotting, marked bruising or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption SIZE TOLERANCES 10 % by number or weight of tomatoes not satisfying but have a diameter greater or less than 10 mm of the size marked

PROVISIONS CONCERNING PRESENTATION UNIFORMITY The contents of each package must be uniform and contain only tomatoes of the same origin The ripeness and colouring of tomatoes in “Extra” Class and Class I must be practically uniform the length of “oblong” tomatoes must be sufficiently uniform. contents of the package must be representative of the entire contents. PACKAGING must be of a quality such as to avoid causing any damage to the produce

Presentation The tomatoes may be presented as follows: (i) as individual tomatoes, with or without calyx and short stalk; (ii) as trusses of tomatoes, in other words, in entire inflorescence or part of inflorescence, where each inflorescence or part of each inflorescence should comprise at least the following number of tomatoes: − 3 (2 if prepackaged), or − in the case of trusses of “cherry” tomatoes, 6 (4 if prepackaged).

MARKING OR LABELLING CONSUMER PACKAGES each package shall be labelled as to the name of the produce and may be labelled as to the name of the variety and/or commercial type NON-RETAIL CONTAINERS Identification Name and address of exporter, packer and/or dispatcher. Identification code (optional)2. Nature of Produce − Name of the produce “tomatoes” or “trusses of tomatoes” and “cocktail” − Name of the variety (optional). Origin of Produce Country of origin Commercial Identification − Class; − Size expressed as minimum and maximum diameters (if sized). Official Inspection Mark (optional)

CONTAMINANTS The produce covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995) The produce covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

HYGIENE the produce covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in : General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 53-2003), other relevant Codex texts The produce should comply with any microbiological criteria established in : Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).

Tomatoes USA

The Classes of Tomatoes U.S. No. 1 Mature, similar varietal characteristic, clean,well developed, not overripe or soft, fairly well formed and smooth, not damaged by other cause, and free from decay, freezing injury, and sunscald. U.S. Combination Combination of U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2. At least 60% meet requirement of U.S. no. 1 grade.

U.S. No. 2 Reasonably well formed, not more than slighly rough, and not seriously damaged by other cause. The rest is similar to U.S. No. 1. U.S. No. 3 May be misshapen, not serously damaged by sunscald, and not very seriously damaged by other cause. The rest s similar to U.S. No. 2

Provision Concerning Size Size Designation Diameters (inches) from Stem to Blossom Small 2-8 Medium 8-17 Large 17-25 Ekstra Large >25

Color Classification Green (the color completely green) Breakers (break color from green to tannish yellow or red, but not more than 10% of the surface) Turning (10-30% of the surface has breaking color from green to tannish yellow or red or both) Pink (30-60% of the surface is pink or red) Light Red (60-90% of the surface is red) Red (>90% of the surface is red)

Tomatoes Australia

A. Provisions of Quality Minimun requirements : whole; clean and practically free of any visible foreign matter; practically free of pests and damage caused by them affecting the general appearance of the produce; free of abnormal external moisture, excluding condensation following removal from cold storage; free of any foreign smell and/or taste2; firm; fresh in appearance;

The development and condition of the tomatoes must be such as to enable them: − to withstand transport and handling; and − to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination Tomatoes (in terms of quality) are classified into 3 class : Extra class Class I Class II

Number of fruit (count per B. Provision Concerning Size Size Code Diameters A ≥61 B 60 – 55 C 54 – 51 D 50 – 46 E ≤45 Size Code Weight (in grams) Number of fruit (count per single-layer tray) 1 > 125 < 28 2 101 – 125 28/30/33 3 75 – 100 33/36 4 < 75 39/42

C. Quality Tolerance Tolerances in respect of quality and size shall be allowed in each package for produce not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated. D. Provision Concerning Presentation Uniformity  uniform and contain only tree tomatoes of the same origin, variety, quality, color and size Packaging  packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly

E. Marking or Labeling Consumer Packages Visible If not visible, labeled Non-Retail Consumers Identification Name and address of exporter, packer and/or dispatcher. Nature of produce  Name of the produce if the contents are not visible from the outside Origin of produce  Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown or national, regional or local place name

Peraturan mengenai Sayur dan Buah Indonesia

Belum ada protokol yang mengatur sayur dan buah segar, terutama yang diekspor-impor BSN (Badan Standarisasi Nasional) mencanangkan akan membuat SNI untuk produk hotikultura  jeruk, durian, tomat, melon, dsb. SNI yang direncanakan  2 tahun lagi BPOM (Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan)  regulasi batas maksimum mikroba dan kimia dalam makanan