Warm up Problems 1. If y – 5x 10 – ln(xy) = 2 sin x, find 2. Find the equation of the line tangent to x 3 + y 3 = 6xy at (3,3).
After correcting the homework, we will be taking Derivative Quiz #2.
Linear Approximation We can use the tangent line to approximate the value of a function at a difficult point. Here’s a demo.Here’s a demo.
This is just the equation of the tangent line. Called linear approximation, tangent line approximation, or local linearization. near x = a
Ex. Find the local linearization of near x = 1.
Ex. Find the linear approx. of near x = 3, then use it to approx. f (3.04) and f (2.97).
Ex. Estimate. Is this estimate higher or lower than the actual value?
Next class we will review, and our chapter test will be on Monday.