Objectives Determine tangent lines to functions for a given point Compute the slope of curves Compute Instantaneous rate of change
Recall – Average Rate of Change
Definition – Secant Line A line through two points on a curve is a SECANT to the curve.
Slope of Secant Line
You Try
Observation What’s the association between average rate of change and the slope of the tangent line?
Defn – Tangent Lines A line that intersects a function at exactly one point over a given interval.
How to find the slope of the tangent for a curve
Example – Slope of a tangent line
Secant Slope Calculation
Example – Slope of a tangent line
Important procedure
HW #8, Compute the slope of the secant lines and arrange them in ascending order. What are the appropriate units? 9 – 12 only (a) for these