Finish the sentence: You need _________ to make money. If you were a farmer and you wanted to make more money what might you do to accomplish that goal?
Theme 1: Government and the People
Economy was the chief cause Trade was the main way countries made money Raw Materials were needed in order to trade. Raw Materials turns into items we wanted. Trees = Furniture Cotton = Clothes Items made from raw materials were traded. The more land you have the more raw materials you have.
Chief Trade items Sugar Tobacco Question: What did the Colonies need to make the above items? Hint; A major trade item Slaves
Name England’s Biggest Rival Correct: France France moves into territory between 13 Colonies and Mississippi River France dominating Fur Industry
Colonists Move into West Pennsylvania-Ohio region to gain raw materials. France does not like England moving into their territory. Indians do not like it either because England treats them badly. France asks Colonist to leave
France and British begin to build forts. Both sides fight to kick one another out of forts George Washington lost most of these early battles over the forts. British begin winning after 4 years of losing battle after battle. William Pitt becomes a General and British begin to win.
England receives land between Atlantic Ocean and Mississippi River France has to stay west of Mississippi River Biggest Losers Indians British Treated Native Americans poorly.