Strength Training Class
1 st Semester Review Review info for some – New info for some How Strength is Gained NUTRITION Minuteman/Minutemaid Healthy Body Rules
Strength It’s Not: Big Muscles
Strength It’s Not: Large Amount of Weight Lifted
Strength It’s Not: Winning Championships
The amount of contractile force produced by the neuromuscular system Strength Is
Smaller motor units are more excitable than larger motor units. As the strength signal increases, more motor units are excited as well as larger ones and with this, the force of the contraction gets stronger. Understanding Strength
Muscle Fiber Example
Progressively overloading the muscle helps increase strength and size of the muscle. – Increase the size of the cells (myofibrils) – Increase the number of myofilaments Work through the threshold barrier to recruit more tissues to work Progressive Overload
Minuteman/Minutemaid Healthy Body Rules 1.Eat Breakfast Everyday 2.Drink ½ Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water Daily 3.Eat Every Meal and 2 Snacks Per Day 4.Eat a Fruit &/or Vegetable at Every Meal and Snack 5.Limit Fast Food Intake to 1 Time Per Week 6.Get 9 Hours of Sleep Each Night 7.Recovery Nutrition – Eat After Every Workout 8.No Alcohol or Drug Intake
Breakfast Facts Breakfast means…Break the Fast after a long nights sleep – Eat every 3 – 4 hours during the day – 9 hours of sleep prevents you from eating Decreases muscle/protein breakdown for energy throughout the day – Spares protein stores Not eating breakfast causes irritability & fatigue Breakfast improves mental alertness & physical performance – Improved brain function
Breakfast Facts Normal insulin response People who eat breakfast usually eat healthier throughout the day – helps with weight control When trying to lose weight, helps with weight loss by jump starting metabolism which helps you burn calories Trying to gain weight, provides another opportunity to take in extra healthy calories to promote gain of lean muscle
Breakfast Proteins & Carbohydrates – Proteins – Meats, Eggs, Yogurt, Peanut Butter Proteins help with muscle rebuilding and help you feel full longer Too much can be hard on the liver and kidneys – Carbohydrates – Grains (cereal/granola), fruits, vegetables First source of energy Fruits are a great source of carb for energy Veggies same but help you feel full longer – Great source of fiber Fruits and veggies are very important for ligament and tendon health and keeping a healthy immune system
Breakfast TakeAways Having a Plan Helps – Make a plan for the week – Make a plan for groceries the week before so your parents can go shopping Helps with your budget – Have items on hand that you know are healthy and easy to grab – Prepare food ahead of time so it is easy to grab the next morning
Breakfast TakeAways Breakfast vs No Breakfast – How do you feel when you don’t eat? – How do you feel when you eat? “I felt more awake on the days I ate breakfast than on the days I decided to sleep in and skip breakfast” “I felt alive” “I didn’t have to sleep through some of my classes” “I didn’t feel sick in the mornings anymore” You will get used to the feeling of being full
Athletes Trying to Gain Weight Need to have a big breakfast Small Bowl of Cereal won’t do the trick Has to be something you are dedicated to Lean Proteins – Greek Yogurt, Egg Whites, Lean Meats such as chicken, fish, turkey sausage/bacon, tofu High Quality Carbs – Fruits/Veggies, Hashbrowns, Healthy Granolas/Cereals, Oatmeal/Barley
Hydration Definition – To supply water to a person in order to restore or maintain fluid balance (rehydration) Dehydration – An abnormal loss of water from the body, especially from illness or physical exertion
Effects of Dehydration Lack of concentration Impaired Neuromuscular Coordination Slower thinking Slower muscular response Decrease in strength Reduction in endurance
Effects of Hydration Healthier Skin Healthier Teeth & Bones Healthier Joints Healthier Digestive System Reduces Fatigue Helps with Muscular Coordination Helps with Weight Loss Helps Build Muscle Increases Muscle Tone Clearer Thinking/Decision Making
Hydration Recommendations Take in ½ Your Body Weight in Ounces of Water Daily – All other beverages are in addition to this To help keep yourself hydrated, you need electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium) – HINTS Salt your food the day before and day of a competition Potassium – Banana’s are a good sourse Calcium – Milk, Cheese, Yogurt Gatorade is a good source for all of these
Weight/Ounces Chart 80 LBS = 40 OZ WATER 90 LBS = 45 OZ WATER 100 LBS = 50 OZ WATER 110 LBS = 55 OZ WATER 120 LBS = 60 OZ WATER 130 LBS = 65 OZ WATER 140 LBS = 70 OZ WATER 150 LBS = 75 OZ WATER 160 LBS = 80 OZ WATER 170 LBS = 85 OZ WATER 180 LBS = 90 OZ WATER 190 LBS = 95 OZ WATER 200 LBS = 100 OZ WATER 210 LBS = 105 OZ WATER 220 LBS = 110 OZ WATER 230 LBS = 115 OZ WATER 240 LBS = 120 OZ WATER 250 LBS = 125 OZ WATER
Fruits & Vegetables Minuteman/Minutemaid Healthy Body Rule: Eat a Fruit &/OR Vegetable at EVERY Meal & Snack WHY? What is so great about fruits & vegetables????
Why Fruits & Vegetables Helps maintain your bodies immune system – Fights off illness & Injury – Down time Ligament/Tendon Health – Improves the strength/health of these structures Reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes & protects against various forms of cancer Make weight management easier Natural Antioxidants/Anti-Inflammatories
Things to Think About When Selecting Fruits & Veggies Eat with the seasons Try something new Eat a rainbow of colors Be careful with potatoes, corn and peas when watching your weight
Tricks to Eating More Fruits & Veggies Each Day Eat a fruit &/or vegetable at every meal and snack Make it part of your meal Pack it as part of your snack Keep fruit where you can see it – On a countertop or on the table Keep snack size fruits/veggie portions accessible in your fridge Explore the produce aisle when shopping Make your life colorul!!
Meal and Snack Timing To build muscle and minimize fat gain/lose fat, it is important to eat on a schedule. If you want to grow, you have to eat!!! Protein is important for your muscle growth and your body can only handle so much protein in a certain amount of time Eat every 2 – 3 hours to keep your metabolism functioning at a high level
Breakfast Should take place within an hour of waking up – This is the start to your day! School Days – Between 6:00-7:00am
Morning Snack Snacks should be a small portion of food that helps you get through to your next meal Great place to take in fruits/vegetables Should be something that does not require a lot of effort to make/bring with you School Days – Beginning of 2 nd period – 8:45- 9:00am
Lunch/Dinner Important to keep your day running smoothly – Keep your brain functioning – Give you energy for the 2 nd half of your day In many cultures, lunch is the main meal of the day School Days – 11:30am to 12:30pm
Afternoon Snack Very important on practice days Fuels your body for practice – Gives you the energy you need to physically and mentally get through practice Beginning of 8 th period – 3:00pm
Supper/Dinner Many cultures consider this the main meal of the day, especially working families as this is the meal many can sit down to eat together If you are watching your weight, this should be the smallest meal you eat of the day Should eat between 6:00-7:00pm Within an hour after practice during the season
Bedtime Snack Important for growing kids or those trying to build muscle Keeps your body from entering a stage of muscle breakdown for energy Timing – Between 9:00-10:00pm
Pre-game Meals Meals should occur 2-3 hours before competition Meals should be light Small mini snack can be taken in about 30 minutes to 1 hour before competition
Pre-game Hydration Hydration should start 24 hours before competition Should drink throughout the day oz water/sports drink 2-3 hours before competition 7-10 oz water/sports drink minutes before competition
Competition Nutrition/Hydration Refuel at halftime of a game or between matches Take in 7-10 oz of fluid every minutes during competition
Post-game Meals Post-game nutrition should occur within 30 minutes of competition A protein/carbohydrate source is necessary at this time Eat a meal within 1 hours of completing your competition
Post-Game Hydration Try to rehydrate your body within 2 hours of exercise Drink 16 oz for every pound of body weight lost during competition oz after competition is a good recommendations for rehydration
Eat EVERY Meal and Two Snacks Per Day WHAT WILL IT TAKE? 1.Discipline -Practice of training people – Controlled Behavior 2.Dedication -Committed to a task or purpose 3.Planning -Detailed propose for doing or achieving something – Making plans
Discipline, Dedication, Planning What does it look like? Discipline – Avoiding Poor Food Choices – Eating On Time – Taking out one poor food choice Dedication – Making a true effort to commit to your goal – Getting up early to eat breakfast Planning – Making meals on weekends – Making snacks to take to school the night before – Making a grocery list
What should your meal look like?
Where Do We Go From Here MEALS Finish Minuteman/Minutemaid Healthy Body Rules