Legislative Process: Beginning 1. can draft/write a bill as long as it is or introduced by a 2. Formal of the bill 3. Referred to appropriate for
Legislative Process: Committees 4. Considered in a.) the bill b.) the bill c.) the bill 5. Report back to the 6. Committee calls to investigate the merits/flaws of the bill 7. Committee to the bill
Legislative Process: Full Chamber 8. Bill reported to the floor of the House or Senate 9. Bill is for consideration 10. House or Senate on the bill 11. House or Senate votes to pass the bill (simple passes the bill) 12. Bill goes to the other congressional chamber and
Legislative Process: Compromise 13. Bill goes to a to work out final wording 14. Each chamber on wording 15. Bill presented to Speaker of House & President of Senate for signatures What if the chambers disagree?
Legislative Process: The President 16. Sent to the a.) Agrees & into law b.) Disagrees & i.) Bill sent back to legislature ii.) vote in each chamber = veto & bill becomes law c.) bill i.) If Congress, bill automatically becomes law ii.) If Congress, bill automatically vetoed ()