Introduction to Robotics In the name of Allah
Introduction to Robotics o Leila Sharif o o Lecture #6: Kinematics
Introduction to Robotics Last time we saw: Robot Joint Robot characteristics Robot reference frame Robot languages
Introduction to Robotics Robot Kinematics
Introduction to Robotics Forward (direct) Kinematics Determine where the robot’s end (hand) will be if all joint variables are known
Introduction to Robotics Inverse Kinematics Calculate what each joint variable must be if we desire that the hand be located at a particular point and have a particular orientation
Introduction to Robotics Closed-loop mechanism Open-loop Mechanism
Introduction to Robotics Open-loop mechanism A kinematic chain is termed open when there is only one sequence of link connected the two ends of the chain
Introduction to Robotics Closed-loop mechanism A manipulator contains a closed kinematic chain when a sequence of links form a loop
Introduction to Robotics Representation of a point in space P=ai+bj+ck
Introduction to Robotics Representation of a vector in space
Introduction to Robotics Transformations (using white board)