12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-011 Consent Cease and Desist Order CCC-10-CD-01 and Consent Restoration Order CCC-10-RO-01 Driftwood Properties, LLC Hobo Aliso Ridge Laguna Beach, Orange County
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-012 Subject Properties
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-013
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-014
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-015 California gnatcatcher Big-leaved Crownbeard
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-016 Description of Unpermitted Development Removal of major vegetation (coastal sage scrub/southern maritime chaparral); Placement/replacement of several thousand sandbags; Placement of sand/gravel berms, filter fabric over the berms, and plastic discharge pipes.
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-017
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-018 Basis for Issuance of Consent Cease and Desist & Restoration Orders Coastal Act Sections & 30811: Development is: Unpermitted Inconsistent with the Coastal Act Causing continuing resource damage
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-019 Development has occurred without a permit
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0110
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0111 Section (ESHA) Section (Views) Section (Erosion) Development is inconsistent with the Coastal Act
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0112 Development is causing “continuing resource damage”
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0113 Proposed Terms of the Orders Remove all unpermitted development. Remove all non-native plants from the 6-acre impacted area. Record OTD open space conservation and public access easement over 75 acres. Transfer fee title of 75 acres to City of Laguna Beach. Record “Preemptive Purchase Right Agreement” in favor of State Coastal Conservancy over additional 80 acres. Effectively dismiss all litigation with the Commission.
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0114
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0115
12/16/10CCC-10-CD-01 & CCC-10-RO-0116 Big-leaved Crownbeard (Verbesina dissita)