Safety Schedule: Past, Present and Future RHIC and Experiments Reports Machine and Systems Reports AOB
Take 5 for Safety…………..Ed LessardEd Lessard New Iris Scanner New Iris Scanner Instructional Video? Instructional Video?
LIPA work on Booster transformer and other nightmares… A3 RF relay blew out when attempting to recover from Booster HV feed work. Deuterons extracted to the W-Dump 31 Oct 2007 after H-10 controls returned to remote and vacuum valve I13 opened. * UPS Failure in LINAC/EBIS Chipmunk and subsequent sweep problems delayed Au setup. * Vacuum problem (F3) slowed down recovery from Power Outrage work * * Room for improvement in checklisting.
RHIC Ring posted for Radiation. Emergency generator at 1002 back in service. Both RHIC Rings are cold. Both RHIC Rings are cold. STAR and PHENIX magnets are in the middle of testing. Bunch Merging working well for both d and Au. RHIC Berms swept. Sweeping of ring should begin ~3:00 PM. Blue PS checked, cleaned and hi-potted. Test to injection and high current (10% above B for deuterons). Hysteresis ramp test tonight. Yellow PS prepping today, should be ready for testing Friday. Work on the A5 kicker postponed until next week. New leaks in Blue Stochastic Cooling.
RHIC Shifts start today in the evening. Experimenter access ill continue during the day until 9 Nov. Inject deuterons into Blue this evening. Au in Yellow by Monday 12 Nov. d-Au collisions by Thur 22 Nov. Intensity ramp-up and scrubbing Thur. 22 Nov to Fri 30 Nov. Physics by Sat 1 Dec BLIP schedule begins Dec 3. LINAC work must start now.
RHIC………………………….…….Kip Gardner STAR Bill Christie PHENIX Mike LeitchMike Leitch Polarimeter…………………….Haixin Huang MonoPole… Vasily Dzhordzhadze BLIP…………………….…..Leonard Mausner APEX Fulvia PilatFulvia Pilat
Operations………….…...Peter Ingrassia Sources Jim Alessi Booster and AGS Leif Ahrens Maintenance………….…Paul Sampson Beam Lines…………………..Al Pendzick Instrumentation……...……..Tom Russo
Vacuum Mike Mapes Power………………………Jon Sandberg RF Alex Zaltsman Controls John Morris Access Controls……….Jonathan Reich RCF………………………...Michael Ernst