Objective: 1. Students will be able to compare and contrast the creation myths 2. Students will be able to visually demonstrate their comprehension of one creation myth via an illustration for homework. Bell-ringer: Quickwrite: What common themes and conflicts of beliefs and values are reflected in the Native American, Christian, and African Creation myths?
Objective: 1. Students will be able to compare and contrast the creation myths 2. Students will be able to visually demonstrate their comprehension of one creation myth via an illustration for homework. Agenda: 1. Bell-ringer Quick-write 2. Compare and Contrast in Small Groups (Create Chart) 3. Exit Ticket (summarize learning) 4. Homework overview
Creation Myth Compare/Contrast Create a chart in which you answer the following for each creation myth 1. Images/symbols 2. Who/what has Power? Doesn't have power? 3. Purpose of the story? 4. Lessons/values (if any) that it might teach its audience? 5. Common themes?
Creation Myth Compare/Contrast The Sky TreeThe Navajo Origin Legend The Walam Olum Genesis 1 & 2The Creation of the Universe and Ife Images/symbols Who has power? Purpose? Lessons/ values? Common themes?
Exit Ticket Summarize what you learned today on the back of your chart. HOMEWORK: 1. Finish chart (if applicable) 2. Choose one of the creation myths and create an illustration. Use the evidence from your chart and annotations. (You cannot choose “The Walam Olum” to illustrate).