Fire Recovery Facilities –Physics Computing Services is finally able to relocate back into 1301 as of this week. They will probably be completely off of the third floor in a couple of weeks. The OWL lab is partially available for use. –Experimental Nuclear is still out of commission with regards to the 1305 suite. We are pushing to finish within the week or so (with the exception of 1305B - old Elect. Equip. Room). –Facilities Management is coordinating contractors: "BCI" is in the process of replacing doors and hardware in the lecture demonstration/ lecture halls area, receiving, 1301 and "Brawnier" is replacing the machine shop doors, and they replaced the carpet in the mailroom.
Physics Building Status as of 9:42am Building is: Not On Fire On Fire Power is: On OFF Water is: On OFF Elevators are: On OFF Heat/AC is: On OFF Physics Status - Online Roof is: Not Leaking Leaking
Fire Recovery Facilities –In-house construction will be installing a vision panel in the new door leading out to the roof on the north end of the building. –Construction on the second floor has started to accommodate the moving of Ted Einstein as his window was blocked by the new electrical room. (Note: With the new EE room on the roof, the department will acquire the use 1305B.)
Fire Recovery HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) –Everything is back up from the fire and the aftermath. The switchover to AC happened this week. (CSR had another valve problem that is in the process of getting fixed.) Electrical –There is still a list of unfinished items that they are chipping away at. –We were told that no further outages are anticipated. –The switchgear installation is now complete for the south end of the building –The only other outages would include upgrading the old portion of the building when they start replacing the three risers.
Fire Recovery Building Services (cleaning): –We are pushing to get the corridors cleaned. The delay has been due to construction and lack of personnel. Trigen –They are proceeding on the Chilled Water Distribution System. Physics will probably be connected sometime this summer. CSR was not included in the original scope of work so we are not sure if/when that will happen.