CEN 4021 Software Engineering II Instructor: Peter Clarke Spring 2005
CEN 4021 Class /102 Course Introduction Syllabus Project Questions What is Software Project Management?
CEN 4021 Class /103 What is Software Project Management (SPM)? Software project management is concerned with ensuring that, for a software project, the most appropriate process and methodologies are chosen, the desired internal product structure is attained and the external product properties are achieved. In addition, the project management constraints of schedule and resources must be met. [Tsui ’04] (5/5 points)
CEN 4021 Class /104 SPM Terminology Software artifact – A unit of material, in the form of a document, presentation, or code, that is developed as a part of, or as a contribution to, the final solution to the users. Code – A set of instructions to a device, possibly a computing device, to perform a desired set of instructions. Software – A set of software artifacts that includes code, i.e., software includes the instruction codes and data necessary to accomplish some task on a computer.
CEN 4021 Class /105 SPM Terminology Software engineering – the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. (Source: IEEE Std , IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology)
CEN 4021 Class /106 SPM Terminology Software development process – the sequence or order of the activities, along with the entrance and the exit criteria of these activities. Software development life cycle – A set of transformations, starting with requirements, that converts each incoming software artifact into an artifact closer to the final result, until the final set of artifacts that satisfy the requirements are met. (USDP?)
CEN 4021 Class /107 SPM Terminology Software product life cycle – A period during which a software artifact is initially developed, supported, revised through multiple development life cycles, and finally unsupported and/or taken out of the market. Why software project management?
CEN 4021 Class /108 Why SPM? Why software project management? Cost, cost, cost!!! $250 Billion is spent each year on approx. 175,000 information technology (IT) application projects. 31% of all the above projects will fail and 53% of the projects will overrun the original cost estimates i.e. $81 billion wasted or canceled projects. (Page 1 of text) US. Standish Group’s Chaos report.
CEN 4021 Class /109 Why is SPM difficult? 1. The product is intangible: Software cannot be seen or touched. It is difficult to see and measure progress. 2.There are no standard software processes. –S/w process varies from one organization to another. –Effect are readily seen when the s/w project is part of a wider systems engineering project.
CEN 4021 Class /1010 Why is SPM difficult? 3. Large software projects are often ‘one- off’ projects. Usually s/w projects differ in some ways from previous projects. Experience gained on one project may not work for another project. Technological changes in computers and communications can make a manager’s experience obsolete. [Sommerville ’04]
CEN 4021 Class /1011 Phases of SPM The SPM management activities include: Proposal writing Project planning and scheduling Project cost Project monitoring and reviews Personnel selection and evaluation Report writing and presentations
CEN 4021 Class /1012 Phases of SPM The previous management activities are captured using the acronym POMA: –Planning –Organizing –Monitoring –Adjusting