Common themes and next steps… Patrick Feng, Workshop Rapporteur, WAP-W3C mobile privacy workshop
Common themes - 1 User control is recognized by all as an underlying goal Users have high expectations for trust in the mobile environment P3P is an important starting point for addressing privacy, but it does not address the whole privacy challenge Whole solution remains to be defined Performance issues
Common themes - 2 Challenges of assuring privacy given different business models Should utilize privacy as an opportunity rather than just legal obligation Expand dialogue with legal and public policy communities Give feedback; learn about requirements Further collaboration between WAP and W3C
[Comments] Want consistent privacy experience across wired and wireless environments Need for UI guidelines Business models impact security/trust models – but need to partner across… Need to allow for expression of preferences and also for exceptions
Next steps P3P vocabulary extension for mobile web environment: location state device profiles other? Q: Where to do the work? (There is an ext. mechanism) Who will come up with use cases? Who could be liaisons for future action items?
Next steps Need for integration of CC/PP, UAProf, and P3P? Q: How/where to do this? 3. Need to identify appropriate group(s) to work further on privacy issues?
Next steps General use cases for mobile privacy and architectural requirements 5. Collaboration zone for exchange of documents (IPR) 6. Investigate user interface: What are best practices for informing mobile users about privacy?
Next steps Both W3C and WAP should identify process for moving ahead with joint work e.g., think of history that led to Loc-DC on WAP side: Stefan to raise issue with SRC, and report back to WAP-W3C CG on how WAP will proceed
[More comments] UI: MET close to WAP? (Or, can WAP begin to suggest groups that could look at UI issues?) Should there be a joint WG on privacy? Are “mobile needs” (that may not be covered by P3P) going to be handled by WAP, or joint group, or…? Liaisons? Reason to meet again? Question for WAP to consider: does WAP want to work on joint project(s) with W3C? Resolved: have timetable for action by Feb