Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Unit 7 Seminar – Effective Teams
Any questions on last week’s Unit ? Slide 6
# 4 Parting Thoughts Have a great week!
Agenda General Questions and Announcements Introduction Why Some Groups Fail/ Q & A Contribution of Teams to an Organization/ Q & A Types of Teams / Q & A Recap Unit Assignment Clarification Conclusion of Seminar
Introduction If you have ever led or been a participant in teams, you are likely aware that sometimes teams yield successful results and sometimes they do not. If you haven’t yet been called upon to work on a team or to lead one, chances are that you will be in the future. In the modern workplace, there has been a trend toward conducting business with the use of teams. Today’s managers have the goal of ensuring that their work teams are successful.
Why Groups Sometimes Fail: Ineffective communication Lack of effective chartering, visioning, and goal setting Lack of clarity about roles Inability to keep morale and momentum high Decrease in productivity Lack of trust As a manager, what is your role in increasing the likelihood that your team will be successful?
The Contribution of Teams to an Organization -Can the teamwork approach to work help the organization? In what ways?
Major Group Roles 1) Task Leader 2) Social-Emotional Leader 3) Tension-Releaser 4) Information Provider 5) Central Negative
TASK LEADER May be assigned or assumed Enjoys, for the most part, the leadership role or status of the group Good problem-solving ability Has had some leadership training Feels responsible for the members and performance of the group
Social-Emotional Leader Well liked by the rest of the group members Previous experience with handling interpersonal problems Score high on their ability to empathize with other people Tries to pull everyone together: “Can’t we just get along?” Acutely aware of the heartbeat of the group Constantly on guard for emotional damage that might take place Feels responsible for the group’s well-being and members’ satisfaction Does not compete with the task leader
Tension Releaser Has the ability to interject humor, in a timely way, to release tension that is building in the group Also aware of the sensibilities of the group Provides humor to break the stress and tension of the group Ability to resolve interpersonal conflict with well- timed humorous barbs Ability to smooth over awkward moments
Information Provider One of the most commonly shared roles (all roles may be shared) Provides accurate and concise data needed for discussion and decisions Critically evaluates ideas that are not soundly based on data and information
Central Negative “Devil’s advocate” Usually is not pleased with what is going on in the group Constantly challenging the task and procedural areas Evaluates ideas, agendas, etc Instigates conflict (vitally necessary ingredient in a small group) **Crucial role in a small group**
Questions on Group Roles?
The Contributions of Teams Benefiting of the organization directly… A team of individuals addressing an issue can experience breakthroughs and develop fresh ideas that may not have been possible with a single individual. Teams can increase production, improve quality, and reduce costs. Teams can enhance speed and be powerful forces for innovation and change.
Contribution of Teams, (cont’d) For the benefit of the team members directly and organization indirectly…. The team can be a useful learning mechanism, thereby benefiting the members. Team members can give each other feedback; identify opportunities for growth and development; and train, coach, and mentor. -Source: Bateman and Snell text; page. 244
What are the 4 Personalities? These personality types were first discovered by Hippocrates. Personality testing today is used in many areas including job placement, counseling, and marketing. Listed below are the four, most people are a combination but do display a dominant tendency of one of them. Sanguine- The Popular Personality (Otter) Melancholy- The Perfect Personality (Beaver) Choleric- The Powerful Personality (Lion) Phlegmatic- The Peaceful Personality (Golden R)
Sanguine-The Popular Personality Strengths include: ability to talk about anything at any time, bubbly personality, optimism, sense of humor, and storytelling ability Weaknesses can be: disorganized, can’t remember details, exaggerates, priorities misaligned, gets distracted and would rather talk than do BASIC DESIRE: Have fun! Needs: Attention, approval and acceptance
Melancholy-The Perfect Personality Strengths include: ability to organize & set long term goals, high standards & ideas, detail- oriented, analyze deeply Weaknesses may include: Spends too much time analyzing, too focused on details, remembers negatives, suspicious of others BASIC DESIRE: Have Perfection! Needs: Support, Space and Silence.
Choleric-The Powerful Personality Strengths include: ability to take charge of anything instantly and to make quick, correct judgments, Not discouraged by much, Strong-willed. Weaknesses may include: too bossy, domineering, insensitive, unwilling to delegate or give credit to others BASIC DESIRE: Have control! Needs: Sense of control, appreciation and credit for work
The Phelgmatic-The Peaceful Personality Strengths include: balance, even disposition, dry sense of humor, pleasing personality, excellent listener Weaknesses include: Lack of decisiveness, enthusiasm, and energy, a hidden will of iron (stubborn). BASIC DESIRE: Have Peace! Needs: Respect, peace and quiet, feeling of worth
Conclusion By reading the key weaknesses and strengths one can make a pretty accurate assumption as to which personality they have. Remember no one is exactly alike and most people will not possess every trait connected to each temperament, however you will have a majority of characteristics from one of them. For a more extensive test you can go to and click on free tests to take your own personality profile or purchase the book Personality Plus by Florence Littauer
Any questions? Slide 66
Types of Teams -Can you name some types of teams that are commonly present in the workplace?
Different Types of Organizational Teams Transitional Teams - work groups composed of multinational members whose activities span multiple countries Virtual Teams - teams that are physically dispersed and communicate electronically more than face-to-face Traditional Work Groups - groups that have no managerial responsibilities
Different Types of Organizational Teams, cont’d. Quality Circles - voluntary groups of people drawn from various production teams who make suggestions about quality Semiautonomous Work Groups - groups that make decisions about managing and carrying out major production activities but get outside support for quality control and maintenance Autonomous Work Groups - groups that control decisions about and execution of a complete range of tasks
Self-Designing Teams - Teams with the responsibilities of autonomous work groups, plus control over hiring, firing, and deciding what tasks members perform Self-Managed Teams - Autonomous work groups in which workers are trained to do all or most of the jobs in a unit, have no immediate supervisor, and make decisions previously made by first-line supervisors Different Types of Organizational Teams, cont’d.
The New Team Environment
Recap In this seminar, we’ve discussed: -Why some groups fail -How teams contribute to organizations -Various types of teams
Assignment Questions and Answers There are four graded assignments in Unit 7: 1.Review Quiz 2.Discussion Assignment 3.Dropbox Assignment 4.Seminar Quiz Are there questions concerning how you are expected to complete and submit these assignments?
READING READING: This week's required reading is from Chapter 11 in the Bateman and Snell text pp Teams can be a powerful force for innovation and change. Teams can also increase productivity, improve quality, enhance speed, and reduce costs. In this Unit we will learn about how teamwork can be a powerful and effective component in a business organization.
DISCUSSION: Consider a position that you hold now (paid or unpaid) or one that you’ve held in the past. Review Table 11.1 by clicking the Table 11.1 button above (available also on page 245 in the Bateman and Snell text) about the traditional and new team environments. Which environment best describes your job? Describe your position based on the dimensions in the table for the environment that applies to you.
ASSIGNMENT After reading the scenario above and the section on Self-managed Teams on page 247 of your text, explain how self-managed teams could be used at Sandwich Blitz to allow Jack more time to devote to growing the business. Dialogue of Scenario Presented: After listening to our discussion and reading the section on Self-managed Teams on page 247 of your text, explain how self-managed teams could be used at Sandwich Blitz to allow me more time to devote to growing the business.
QUIZ QUIZ: Thankfully we are back to our regular reviews. The Unit 7 Review will consist of a set of 5 multiple choice questions. The questions for this review are based on pp. 244–256 in the Bateman and Snell text.
# 39 Nag Grams and Late work… If you have late work, please send it in. Better some points then no points, right? You may receive a funny little reminder called a nag- gram- that is a free service I offer to make sure you turn in your assignments.
1. (p. 251) A key element in teamwork is: A. Commitment to a common purpose B. Adequate compensation C. Strong interpersonal skills D. Homogeneity among workers
1. (p. 251) A key element in teamwork is: A. Commitment to a common purpose B. Adequate compensation C. Strong interpersonal skills D. Homogeneity among workers
2. (p. 254) Group cohesiveness refers to: A. How attractive the group is to its members B. How motivated members are to remain in the group C. The degree to which members influence one another D. All of the above
2. (p. 254) Group cohesiveness refers to: A. How attractive the group is to its members B. How motivated members are to remain in the group C. The degree to which members influence one another D. All of the above
3) (p. 254) An individual who has more advanced job related skills and abilities than other group members possess is referred to as a: A. Team maintenance specialist B. Recruit member C. Participative leader D. Task specialist
3) (p. 254) An individual who has more advanced job related skills and abilities than other group members possess is referred to as a: A. Team maintenance specialist B. Recruit member C. Participative leader D. Task specialist
4. (p. 254) The degree to which a group is attractive to its members, members are motivated to remain in the group and members influence one another is referred to as: A. Collaboration B. Parading C. Compromise D. Cohesiveness
4. (p. 254) The degree to which a group is attractive to its members, members are motivated to remain in the group and members influence one another is referred to as: A. Collaboration B. Parading C. Compromise D. Cohesiveness
5. (p. 253) Shared beliefs about how group members should think and behave are referred to as: A. Cultures B. Roles C. Norms D. Positions
5. (p. 253) Shared beliefs about how group members should think and behave are referred to as: A. Cultures B. Roles C. Norms D. Positions
Parting Thoughts Here are some Stephen Wright quotes: Whatever happened to preparations A through G? If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from? I went for a walk last night and my kids asked me how long I'd be gone. I said, "The whole time.“ So, what's the speed of dark? How come you don't ever hear about gruntled employees? And who has been dis-ing them anyhow? After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting OUT of the water? Why don't they just make mouse-flavored cat food? I just got skylights put in my place. The people who live above me are furious. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? Have a great week!