1920s Harlem, a New York suburb Center of black culture for the time Influx of artists, musicians and writers All uniting in a common bond Some of the greatest art ever seen/heard Jazz music Amazing poetry Paintings and scultures This is the first time in American history that black America is able to shine
Militant activists that used defiance to push for equality Founded the UNIA Universal Negro Improvement Association Economic success the way to earn equality Imprisoned and exiled for cause
Playwright, short story writer, & novelist Wrote: Their Eyes Were Watching God Works were celebrated by Af-Ams and Feminists Wrote in resistance to help gain equality
Poet and writer Works centered around defiance and hope Recorded the distinctive culture of Harlem in the 1920s
Painter, muralist and professor Called “Father of African Art” Expressed Af-Am heritage and culture in art in his black/white 2 dimensional paintings
Writer, educator, lawyer, songwriter, professor and head of NAACP Published: God’s Trombones Renaissance man and a leader for black equality
Paved the way for the expression of African Americans in music Leading personalities in music and society Showed struggle for equality in their music