The three wealthiest people in the world... The three most powerful people in the world... The three most successful musicians or movie stars in the world...
Regardless of wealth, power, influence, or religious experience, all of mankind stands lost in sin. In today’s lesson we will see what God did to provide salvation for all who will trust in Him.
The Ultimate Sacrifice John 19:1-42 family theme: The Sacrificial Savior family theme: The Sacrificial Savior
Know: Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Think: Marvel that the King of the universe died to save us. Do: Worship and serve King Jesus out of appreciation for what He has done for us. Objectives:
Pilate Delivered the Son of God to Be Crucified John 19:1-16
Pilate Delivered the Son of God to Be Crucified Pilate, being the weak and vacillating leader that he was, now sought repeated opportunities to release Jesus, but being threatened by the crowd, turned Him over for crucifixion.
We embrace Jesus as the Son of God, and our Lord and king. The Jews at the trial rejected Jesus as king. Why are many people today unwilling to submit to Christ as Lord of their lives?
We embrace Jesus as the Son of God, and our Lord and king. In what ways can we demonstrate that we submit to Him as Lord of our lives?
King Jesus Was Crucified for His People John 19:17-22
Jesus’ death on the cross demonstrated that we cannot save ourselves, we need a Savior. God offers salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.
King Jesus Was Crucified for His People Having arrived at Golgotha, the Son of God and King of the universe was crucified between two criminals, paying the penalty for our sins.
We praise and serve King Jesus because He paid the penalty for our sins. How would you describe what Christ did for us when He died on the cross? What can we do to demonstrate our gratitude and appreciation for all Christ has done for us?
Jesus’ Crucifixion Fulfilled Prophecies About the Messiah John 19:23-42
These fulfilled prophecies demonstrate that the Bible is God’s Word.
Jesus’ Crucifixion Fulfilled Prophecies About the Messiah John demonstrated that the events of the crucifixion fulfilled Old Testament prophecies so his readers would believe that Jesus was the Son of God. At least four prophecies were fulfilled in these 19.
We trust the reliability of Scripture, seeing how Christ fulfilled prophecy. How does Christ fulfilling Old Testament Scriptures confirm that the Bible is truly the Word of God?
We trust the reliability of Scripture, seeing how Christ fulfilled prophecy. How does this give you confidence to trust what God’s Word says about things you face in your life?
How does it make you feel to know the Son of God sacrificed His life so you could be forgiven and right with God? How will you live your life this week in response to this amazing truth?
Who in your sphere of influence needs to hear how much God loves them? Seek an opportunity this week to share with them what Christ has done for them.
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