Transforming an Institution: COS 2.0 Stan Carrizosa, Superintendent/President Dr. Thea Trimble, President Academic Senate Dr. Jennifer Vega La Serna, Vice President, Academic Services Dr. Mehmet Ozturk, Director of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness 2014 Strengthening Student Success Conference
“Failure is not an option.” Innovation. Change in the mission. Urgency.
Launch Sequence “Were Going to the Moon” Video Clip #1
Policies Governance Decision-making Operations Curriculum Outcomes Student Achievement Accreditation Compliance Employee Representation Advocacy Negotiations Grievance Resolution Mediation Arbitration Governance & Representation Important processes Important processes Co-exist side-by-side Co-exist side-by-side Respect for due process Respect for due process Professional Professional Not personal Not personal
Team building Diverse Perspectives
Commitment, Trust and Open Dialogue
Why should I care?
Just a bunch of …..
Our processes in 2012
COS Planning AS SLO/OA C FEC Curriculum DECO S Management IC Tech Student Equity ASB DC Facilitie s RAC IPRC ELI GE IPEC
COS Planning 2013
Going from Chaos …..
To Serenity
Identify your Issues
Work with what you have
Write It Down
Nothing is set in stone
Everyone is accountable to the PROCESSES
Processes that Build a Solid Foundation
Inadequate staffing impacted research capacity No defined research agenda Lack of apparent link for research and use of data to planning Lack of clear or formal process to use data to make decisions Lack of educational opportunities for District employees on how to access and use data to make informed decisions Low visibility and ineffective communication of research efforts Where was research in 2012?
Data Analysis
Superintendent/President Solutions and Innovations Work Group (SIG) Research Advisory Work Group Resear ch Institutional Review Board (IRB) Accreditation (ALO) Technology Services Program Review Committee Outcome and Assessment Committee Inst. Planning and Effectiveness Committee
30 Availability and identification of relevant/useful data sources/reports 77% (100) Data interpretation and analysis70% (90) Effective uses of data71% (96) Research/study design68% (89) Evaluation design71% (91) Survey development and administration66% (87) Service Area Outcome development62% (80) Evidence-based decision-making74% (96) How to present and disseminate results68% (88) Source: COS Research Advisory Data Needs Questionnaire, 2014 Level of Interest in Potential Workshop Topics