Reading Strategies Before you read you should: 1.Set a purpose for reading 2.Preview the text 3.Make a plan regarding which strategies could help you in accomplishing your reading purpose.
Predict Think about the title, the illustrations, and what you have read so far. Tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn.
Monitor/Clarify Ask yourself if what you are reading makes sense or if you are learning what you want to learn. If you don’t understand something, reread, read ahead, or use the illustrations.
Question Ask yourself questions about important ideas in the story. Ask yourself if you can answer these questions. If you can’t answer the questions, reread and look for answers in the text.
Infer Try to figure out things that the author does not say directly.
Visualize Create mental images of the characters, setting, and events in the text. See parts of the story in your mind’s eye. Make a mental movie
Connect Relate personally to what you read. Think about whether you know similar people, places, and/or problems. Find ways to relate it to yourself, other texts, or the world around you.
Summarize Think about the main ideas or the important parts of the story. Tell in your own words the important things you have read.
Evaluate Ask yourself: How do I feel about what I read? Do I agree or disagree with it? Am I learning what I wanted to know? How good a job has the author done?
Skimming Readers skim a text when they look it over quickly to get a general idea of the subject matter. The reader is not interested in details. Skimmers run their eye down the page looking for pointers that sum up the contents.
Scanning Readers scan a piece of writing when they quickly search it for specific information. Scanners will make use of a book's index and contents page. When running their eye over the text, they will look for keywords relevant to their search.
And Now... 1. What strategies are most helpful to you when reading a story? 2. Why do you find them helpful?