Director’s Review July 15, Installation and Technical Commissioning of D0 RunIIb L0 Silicon and Trigger Upgrades Schedule & Costs R.P. Smith for the D0 Collaboration
Director’s Review July 15, AFE/TriPChiP A. Bross Run IIb Project V. O’Dell, Project Manager, R. Lipton, Deputy M. Johnson,Technical Coordinator T.J. Sarlina, Asst Project Manager, D. Knapp, Budget Officer T. Erickson, Adminstration Trigger Installation D. Edmunds Silicon Installation Mechanical: W. Cooper Electrical: L. Bagby L1 Cal Upgrade M. Abolins H. Evans Readout A. Nomerotski R. Sidwell Sensors M. Demarteau R. McCarthy Mechanical Design & Fabrication W. Cooper Detector Modules & Integration L. Bagby Installation R. Smith DAQ/Online S. Fuess Trigger P. Padley D. Wood Silicon Layer 0 A. Bean (R. Lipton) L1 Track Trigger M. Narain D. Lincoln L1 Cal/Track Match K. Johns L2 upgrade R. Hirosky Silicon Track Trigger U. Heintz Simulation E. Barberis, M. Hildreth Administration (A. Bean) Administration (D. Wood) L3 Systems D. Chapin G. Watts Network & Host Systems J. Fitzmaurice S. Krzywdzinski Control Systems F. Bartlett G. Savage V. Sirotenko DAQ/Online Management (S. Fuess) Run IIb Upgrade Organization Installation /commissioning not formally part of the project, however formal installation management in place
Director’s Review July 15, Shutdown Activities Related to Installation Upgrade Installation “Infrastructure” tasks planned for 2004 Shutdown (in CH or MCH) u L1 Cal – None u L1 CalTrack – begin mods of Muon PDT and Scintillator FEB’s, terminate L1CTT transition and MTCxx cables u L1CTT - install parallel “slice”: crate, controller, few DFEA’s, cables for CTOC, CTT u L2 Beta – None u STT – None u L0 Silicon – possible H-disk refurbish (incl. clearance survey), 4-Hybrid SVX4 string, study cooling silicon to lower temp, reroute 3 H-disk cables, mini fuse panel, adapter cards, new Wiener PS, Interlock chassis u Online – Move Online (DAQ, Oracle, NFS) to new host cluster
Director’s Review July 15, General 2005 Installation Overview Hardware Ready Milestones (from Upgrade Project Schedules): u L2 Beta Production & Testing Complete 1/24/05 u L2 STT Production & Testing Complete 3/30/05 u L1 Cal Track Match Production & Testing Complete 5/16/05 u L1 Cal Trigger Production & Testing Complete 5/26/05 u L1 CTT Production & Testing Complete 7/5/05 u Layer Zero Silicon Ready to ship to DAB 7/21/05 D0 Prefers Tevatron shutdown to be paced by L0 completion date, or later; Beam off at least ~ 7 weeks Configure Installation Schedule to Mesh with Hardware Project Schedules u Minimize Lost Beam Time “Physics stops to Physics resumes”
Director’s Review July 15, Beam-Off Time Paced by Silicon Installation Schedule shows Tevatron Shutdown Time driven by Layer 0 Silicon Installation u Detector Not Removed From Collision Hall u L0 Silicon Schedule Predicts Silicon Ready 7/21/2005 u Installation Schedule Predicts Tevatron Shutdown 6/30/05 – 8/17/05 => ~ 7 weeks beam off u Silicon Installation dominates CH access time. Trigger Elements require lesser amounts of CH access “in shadow of” silicon. u Personnel Leave Collision Hall as soon as electronic commissioning of silicon is complete – finish Technical Commissioning after Tevatron resumes operation u Detector Closed up for Physics Commissioning ~3 weeks later (provides for short accesses to detector if required, until full functionality of new silicon is demonstrated)
Director’s Review July 15, Install Trigger during Beam-Off Period? Installation Schedule shows most invasive trigger hardware Upgrade - L1 Cal – will be installed while beam is off for L0 Installation u Trigger Framework off < 1 week; DAQ available thereafter u Uncable BLS, remove old Cal Trigger Racks from MCH1 u Reconfigure BLS cables to new patch panels in MCH1 u Move fully operational L1 Cal Racks from Sidewalk test area to MCH1 u Reconnect BLS cables from patch panels u Expect to begin Technical Commissioning ~1 week before beam comes back CTT requires 2 weeks of CH access (< 1/3 of what silicon requires); balance of Trigger installation, none.
Director’s Review July 15, Layer 0 Silicon Installation Principal Elements Highlights from WBS Installation Schedule -- Silicon “Infrastructure” tasks: refurbish dry gas system, prepare new L0 adapter cards for horseshoe, installation fixturing, etc. prior to shutdown Run IIa Silcon warmed only to Collision Hall dewpoint H-disks removed u L0 Silicon (mounted on new beryllium beampipe) uses old beampipe as installation fixture u Reinstall inner H-disks u Cable plant, readout system, power supplies re-used u Reclosing of Be Beampipe determines resumption of beam Includes time for full checkout of electrical integrity of all new and existing silicon channels Installation Schedule Predicts Tevatron Shutdown should occur ~ 3 weeks before L0 Silicon is ready to transport
Director’s Review July 15, Silicon Installation Milestone Overview IDWBSTASK NAMESTART-DATEFINISH-DATEDURATION Silicon Infrastructure Prepared5/3/05 0 w Shutdown for Installation Begins6/30/05 0 w Detector Open and Ready for Access7/11/05 0 w RunIIa Be Beampipe and H-disks Removed7/18/05 0 w Silicon Ready to Move to DAB7/21/05 0 w L0 Silicon Installed in RunIIa Silicon7/29/05 0 w L0 Silicon Cable-up Complete8/10/05 0 w RunIIb Beam Pipe Closed8/17/05 0 w Silicon Ready for Resumption of Tevatron Operation8/17/05 0 w Silicon System Ready for Physics Commissioning9/7/05 0 w Installation Schedule predicts time advance needed (~ 3 weeks) to prepare detector for arrival of L0 Tevatron Downtime ~ 7 weeks
Director’s Review July 15, Milestones for Completion of Technical Commissioning IDWBSTASK NAMESTART- DATE FINISH- DATE DURATION Tevatron Operation Resumes8/17/05 0 w Silicon Installed and Technically Commissioned9/07/05 0 w L1 Cal Trigger Installed & Commissioned9/07/05 0 w L1 Cal Track Match Installed & Commisioned10/13/05 0 w L2 CTT Installed and Commissioned9/27/05 0 w L2 Beta Installed and Commissioned7/21/05 0 w L2 STT Technical Commissioning Complete11/10/05 0 w
Director’s Review July 15, Installation Effort Schedule Workweek = Standard 5 days per week, except a few two-shifts days (e.g. open detector)
Director’s Review July 15, Installation Effort Schedule Workweek = Standard 5 days per week
Director’s Review July 15, Installation Effort Schedule
Director’s Review July 15, Detector Occupancy Schedule Two Shift Gap Limit: 8, Cathedral Limit: ~12
Director’s Review July 15, Installation Costs Burdened FY05 Installation Costs u G&A Labor 30.35% M&S 16.05% u esc. Labor 12.49% M&S 1.08% BaseContingencyTotal Effort1428K614K2043K M&S94K 188K Total1522K708K2231K If all installation done in FY06, total cost would be: M&S $193k, Labor $2124k, Total = $2317k, Delta = $86k
Director’s Review July 15, Physics Commissioning Not part of Installation: SC-IPC In order to ensure time “From Physics to Physics” is minimum, it is important to develop mature view of schedule for Physics Commissioning D0 Spokes have convened the Standing Committee on Upgrade Installation-to-Physics-Commissioning SC-IPC is to generate a detailed plan which quantifies the time and effort required to return the detector to physics data taking u SC-IPC Co-Chairs: C. Gerber, R.P. Smith u 14 SC-IPC members organized into 5 working groups which analyze commission-to-physics needs of upgrade elements
Director’s Review July 15, SC-IPC Structure SC-IPC divided into five Working Groups, each member of SC- IPC serves on at least two WG u WG1: L1 Cal trig (K. Johns + Barberis, Buescher, Hirosky) u WG2: L1 Cal trackmatch & CTT (S. Gruenendahl + Johns, Watts, Quinn) u WG3: L2 Beta, STT expansion (B. Hirosky + Jesik, Watts, Yasuda) u WG4: Trigsim (J. Hays + Shabalina, Buescher, Jesik, Kajfasz, vonToerne) u WG5: Layer 0 (B. Quinn + Barberis, Cooper, Kajfasz, Shabalina, Yasuda, von Toerne) u WG6: AFEII not yet convened (wait until tests of prototype) u Online covered by Committee as a whole Preliminary findings from SC-IPC: many (e.g. TrigSim) software tasks must start now
Director’s Review July 15, Conclusions WBS Installation & Technical Commissioning Schedule In Place u Tasks detailed to fourth sublevel u Resources (Effort, M&S) loaded u WBS Dictionary and BOE in place Installation Management Team in place SC-IPC up and running to create and monitor physics commissioning planning: timeline, effort cost, and task list D0 prefersTevatron shutdown schedule to align with completion of silicon, or later