Obj: I will analyze the components of a comprehensive training program
Benefits of a comprehensive training and conditioning program
Types/Categories of Stretching Active Passive Dynamic Static Other stretches that are variations/combos of these 4: Ballistic Isometric PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
Dynamic Stretching
Static Stretching
Cool down
Flexibility Training Program
Muscular Endurance
Endurance Training Program
“Couch to 5k” – Running Endurance Example
Muscular Strength
Strength Program
Stregth Program Examples
Aerobic Endurance
Anaerobic Endurance
Effects of a Comprehensive Training and Conditioning Program
Comprehensive Fitness Program Imagine that you are a fitness consultant for a college or professional sports team. Your task is to design a comprehensive training and conditioning program for a gymnastic. Your client is 22 years old and is 5’6,’’ 115 pounds. Her goal is to be more explosive in the vault. Use the components of the Comprehensive Training and Conditioning Program to create a 1 day training program. Assignment: Create a 1 day training program Explain how your program will help your client meet her goal. Consider the following: Warm-up, Cool down, Flexibility Training (Static stretching, dynamic stretching), Strength Program (Muscular endurance and/or muscular strength) Endurance Training Program (aerobic endurance and/or anaerobic endurance) Use notes to complete this assignment. Use Assignment Rubric