Introduction to the PACMAN project A study on Particle Accelerator Components’ Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale OUTLINE Scientific goals of the project Review of the subjects proposed Organization of the project Web site CLIC workshop /02/2014 H. Mainaud Durand, on behalf of the PACMAN team
Scientific goals of the project Introduction to the CLIC project challenges: Sub-µm beam size, down to a few nm at the IP A number of challenges to be mastered, among which: o Very tight tolerances of alignment of components, to about 10 µm over a distance of 200m o Active stabilization of the quadrupoles in the nanometre range required 2
Scientific goals of the project Introduction to the CLIC project Based on a two beam acceleration concept Each linac consists of more than modules (with a 2m length) 3
Scientific goals of the project Introduction to the CLIC project Different types of components: Quadrupoles : o MB quadrupoles: ~ 4000 o DB quadrupoles: ~ BPM: one per each quadrupole Accelerating structures: ~ PETS components: ~
Scientific goals of the project Starting point = challenge concerning the pre-alignment of the CLIC components. Requirements: Current strategy Series of steps: fiducialisation of the components and their support, alignment on a common support, alignment in the tunnel using sensors fiducials. but time and precision consuming considering the number of components to be aligned… The zero of each component will be included in a cylinder with a radius of a few microns: 14 µm (RF structures & MB quad BPM) 17 µm (MB quad) 20 µm (DB quad) Active alignment consists of two steps: Determination of the position by alignment sensors Re-ajustment by actuators 5
6 Fiducialisation of components Fiducialisation of their common support Alignment on a common support Whole assembly ready to be aligned
7 Special case of MB quadrupole One additional step: the stabilization / nano-positioning system
Scientific project PACMAN project: Propose and develop an alternative solution integrating all the alignment steps and technologies at the same time and location (CMM machine) Technologies concerned: Beam Instrumentation Metrology Micrometric alignment Nano positioning Magnetic measurements Ultra high precision engineering RF 8
Scientific goals of the project Long term Automation of the process Simplification (method, duration, components) Extrapolation to other components Optimization of performances and precision in all domains Preparation of industrialization Key activities: Integration, ultra-high precision engineering and manufacturing Magnetic measurements with a vibrating stretched wire (and alternative based on printed circuit boards rotating search coils) Determination of the electromagnetic centre of BPM and RF structure using a stretched wire Absolute methods of measurements: new measuring head for CMM, combination of FSI and micro-triangulation measurements as an alternative Improve seismic sensors and study ground motion Nano-positioning system to position the quadrupole and BPM Outcome = a prototype alignment bench 9
PACMAN WP1: metrology and alignment ESRSubjectSecondmentUniv.CERN Superv. 1.1Non contact high precision sensor for Leitz Infinity Coordinate Measuring Machine Hexagon (3M+2M) Cranfield University H. Mainaud Durand (A. Cherif) 1.2Development and validation of an Absolute Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) network Etalon (3M)ETHZJ-C Gayde 1.3Micro-triangulation for high accuracy short range measurements of dynamic objects Etalon (3M), ETHZ (3M) ETHZF. Fuchs
PACMAN WP2: magnetic measurements ESRSubjectSecondmentUniv.CERN Superv. 2.1Stretched wire systems for the magnetic measurements of small-aperture magnets Sigmaphi (3M), Metrolab (3M) SannioS. Russenschuck 2.2Printed circuit board technology for small-diameter field probes Eltos (3M), Sigmaphi (2M) SannioM. Buzio Main goals: develop instruments and methods to measure the position of the magnetic axis of quadrupole magnets within an absolute uncertainty of 10 m. develop instruments and methods to measure the field strength and quality (polarity, direction, harmonic content) of multipole magnets within an aperture as small as 4 mm Constraints integration with other equipment on the test stand scalability to very large industrial production (issues: automation, robustness, cost, speed)
PACMAN WP3: precision mechanics and stabilization ESRSubjectSecondmentUniv.CERN Superv. 3.1Ultra-precise quadrupole magnets assembly and testing. Integration of an alignment test-bed towards an industrial production DMP (4M)Cranfield University M. Modena 3.2Seismic sensor development and vibration characterizationLAPP (7M), DMP (3M) Savoie, SYMME A. Gaddi 3.3Nano-positioning of the main LINAC quadrupole as means of laboratory pre-alignment TNO (6M) with TU delft TU DelftH. Mainaud Durand (K. Artoos) ESR 3.1 taks: To complete the MBQ quadrupoles design, focusing on the critical performance aspects like PRECISION of the assembly, LIMITATION of the assembly time, COST minimization To integrate the different contributions of the PACMAN development (metrology, alignment, magnetic measurement, mechanical assembly, microwave technology), in a final integrated assembly test stand ESR 3.2 tasks: To upgrade or develop seismic sensors which are suitable for measurement at sub- nanometre scale with a large bandwidth covering the whole frequency region of interest ( Hz). ESR 3.3 tasks: To upgrade and integrate in the PACMAN stand a nano-positioning system for the MBQ magnets. This system will be needed for the alignment of the magnet during Modules assembly and for the beam steering during the CLIC accelerator operation.
PACMAN WP4: Beam instrumentation ESRSubjectSecondmentUniv.CERN Superv. 4.1Alignment and resolution of a Beam Position Monitor operating at microwave frequencies in the nanometre regime NI (3M)ValenciaM. Wendt 4.2Development of direct measurement techniques for the in-situ internal alignment of accelerating structures NI (3M)ValenciaN. Catalan Lasheras – ESR4.1: Alignment between a CLIC/CTF 15 GHz cavity BPM and the Main Beam quadrupole A stretched-wire method could be utilized to align the center of the magnetic field of the quad to the center of the dipole mode of the BPM TM110 resonator. A similar method has been successfully demonstrated in the μm regime on a stripline-BPM/quad combination (DESY-FLASH). –ESR4.2: Alignment between wakefield monitors and CLIC accelerating fields Minimization of the transverse wakefields (beam blow-up) over several accelerating structures.
Marie Curie action 14 PACMAN project belongs to an Initial Training Network (ITN): Improve career perspectives of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in both public and private sectors Make research career more attractive PACMAN is an Innovative Doctoral programme (IDP): o Management at CERN o ESRs must be working towards a PhD o Secondment of at least 3 months in industry for each ESR o Associated partners from industry and universities PACMAN will offer training to 10 ESRs Total EU contribution: 2,671, EUR
PACMAN : associated partners DMPES ELTOSIT ETALONDE METROLABCH SIGMAPHIFR Cranfield UniversityGB ETH ZürichCH LAPPFR SYMMEFR University of SannioIT IFICES Delft University of TechnologyNL Hexagon MetrologyDE National InstrumentsHU TNONL 15
WP6 Diss & Outreach M. Modena Supervisory Board CERN, HEXAGON, ETALON, ELTOS, METROLAB, DMP, SIGMAPHI, TNO, NI DELFT, CRANFIELD, SANNIO univ., LAPP, ETHZ,IFIC, SYMME WP0 Management H. Mainaud Durand WP5 Training N. Catalan Lasheras WP4 Beam Instrumentation M. Wendt WP3 Precision mech. & stabilization M. Modena WP2 Magnetic Measurements S. Russenschuck WP1 Metrology & Alignment H. Mainaud Durand ESR1.3 ESR4.1 ESR3.1 ESR3.2 ESR3.3 ESR2.2 ESR2.1 ESR1.2ESR1.1 ESR4.2 Management team Admin. Assistant: Alexandra Hati 16 Organization of the project
Start date = 1/09/ students out of 10 recruited Recruitment of the 10 th student under progress 3 students have started on the 3 rd of February
Conclusion PACMAN project is a golden opportunity for CLIC: o To push technologies and methods to improve the alignment of the CLIC components, which is a critical challenge for the project o To have a network of industries in order to provide solutions for the future, towards a CLIC approval The technical objectives are ambitious but well defined. A very high quality training program will be proposed to the 10 PhD students: o training through research at CERN and at universities, o exchange of knowledge through secondments in the industrial partners, o Scientific, academic and technological training courses including trainings organized by PACMAN o Transferable skills training courses 3 PACMAN workshops will be organized, with training and dissemination purposes, combined with a rich program of dedicated outreach activities 18