STEPS TO DEVELOPING A PROGRAM ▪ Step 1: Analyse the sport/activity ▪ By watching your selected sport you should be able to pick out the main skills being used and how frequently they occur. You should be able to identify the predominant energy systems utilised, the movement patterns, intensity levels and work to rest ratios. All this information will help you to determine some ideas on how you might train to best replicate the game and most importantly, the major fitness components you need to develop in order to become better at your sport/activity. ▪ Step 2: Assess the individual’s fitness ▪ After picking out the major components of fitness, you will undertake fitness tests in order to identify your current level. ▪ Step 3: Identify the program goal(s) ▪ Your task is to develop one component of fitness over 6 weeks from your chosen sport. It is important to write a goal(s) in order to maintain focus throughout your program.
DEVELOPING A PROGRAM ▪ Step 4: Determine training methods ▪ There are many training methods, from interval training to resistance to plyometrics. You can use many methods to develop and train a single component of fitness. You will need to select the most appropriate methods and create an exciting and effective 6 week program. ▪ Step 5: Select appropriate exercises ▪ Once you have chosen your methods, you will need to prescribe the exercises that will make up each session. This will require a fair bit of research and creativity. Warning – keep it simple! ▪ Step 6: Apply the training principles ▪ You will soon learn about the principles of training. These are the guidelines or rules to writing a program. If you stick to these principles then you will write an effective and exciting program. ▪ Step 7: Evaluate the training program ▪ At the completion of your program you will complete an evaluation of what you did. This will help you to set new targets and improve for next time. It is important to maintain a diary throughout the 6 weeks of your training program to help you with this process.