METAPHOR A figure of speech in which a term or phase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance. As in “He is a lion in battle” The effect of metaphors is that it aims to create imagery so that we may visualize the connection between two objects or things when they are not. Metaphors are just the use of direct comparison.
SIMILE Comparison of two nouns that are unlike, with “like” or “as”. Her cry was as a lions roar when he is hungry. A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another of a different kind. The effect that a simile has in a poem is that it paints a picture in our minds as a simile is a descriptive set of words.
PERSONIFICATION Attribution of a human nature or characteristics with something non human. Example from the lyrics of the song Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica: “Moon is full, seems to change, just labeled mentally deranged.” People use personification to make stories/ poems more dramatic and interesting or to convey a certain mood.
ALLITERATION The same letter or sound occurring at the beginning of closely connected or adjacent words. Sam says cereal is super. Can be used to drive home a point with repetition and can be used in poetry – alliterations can be soft or hard on the ears by using different letters, e.g. H is soft where as K is harsh.