Wireless Communication & Mobile Programming 1 UNIT- 1 – MOBILECOMPUTINGINTRODUCTION Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Reference Book 2 “Mobile Computing” By Asoke K Telukder, Roopa R Yavagal, TMH Chapters – 2 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Mobile Computing - Architecture Introduction/Evolution Architecture 3 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Mobile Computing - Architecture Introduction/Evolution Architecture First Tier/Layer 4 User Interface/Presentation Layer – deals with the user facing device handling & rendering. This tier includes a user interfacing components like Textbox, Labels, Checkboxes, etc. Second Tier/Layer Process Management/application Layer – deals with Business logic & Rules. It is capable of accommodating hundreds users. Thired Tier/Layer Database Management/Data Tier – deals with DB management & access. Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Three-Tier Architecture DIYDIY 5 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Design considerations for Mobile Computing 6 Mobile computing environment needs to be context- independent as well as context-sensitive. Here “Context” means all information that help determine the state of object. The object can be person/device/place/physical or computational object/any other entity that is being tracked by the system. Mobility implies the service is associated with the user/device will change constantly. So the change in the content & behavior of the applications should be adopted to suit the current situation. There are many ways in which contexts can be adapted, Content with Context Awareness Content switch on Context Content Transcoding on Context Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Design considerations for Mobile Computing Client Context Manager Composite Capabilities/CC or Preference Profiles/PP Policy Manager Semantic Web Security Manager Platform for Privacy Preference Project Adaptability Manager Content Adaptation & Transcoding Content Rating & Filtering 7 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Design considerations for Mobile Computing Client Context Manager Composite Capabilities/CC or Preference Profiles/PP Policy Manager Semantic Web Security Manager Platform for Privacy Preference Project Adaptability Manager Content Adaptation & Transcoding Content Rating & Filtering 8 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Design considerations for Mobile Computing Client Context Manager Composite Capabilities/CC or Preference Profiles/PP Policy Manager Semantic Web Security Manager Platform for Privacy Preference Project Adaptability Manager Content Adaptation & Transcoding Content Rating & Filtering 109 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
Design considerations for Mobile Computing Client Context Manager Composite Capabilities/CC or Preference Profiles/PP Policy Manager Semantic Web Security Manager Platform for Privacy Preference Project Adaptability Manager Content Adaptation & Transcoding Content Rating & Filtering 10 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
WAPArchitectureWAPArchitecture 11 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
WAP Architecture 12 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.wordpress.com
WAP – Protocol Layers 13 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.w ordpress.com
WAP – Protocol Layers 14 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.w ordpress.com
SOC & AOC Clients 15 Mobile users need solutions that can be used effectively at any time during their work day and used wherever their works takes them. Mobile technology can be implemented with Sometimes On Connectivity/SOC to mobile devices or Always On Connectivity/AOC. SOCandAOCterminologyeffectivelydescribetoourclientsthe communicationsfrequencyandperformance:capabilitiesofalternativesfor mobile computing solutions. SOC clients can work effectively in a disconnected mode and take advantage of wireless or wired connections when they are available while AOC clients must be connected all or most of the time to be effective. Blog: aforajayshahnirma.w ordpress.com
SOC Clients 20 SOC clients have the ability to store large amounts of data on the mobile device and provide the user with a complete application solution even when the user does not have a wireless or wired data connection. Data updates can occur when wireless, Internet dialup, network or desktop synchronization connections are available. Regardless of connectivity, productive work can proceed. Data updates, when they do occur, can be fast bursts of small amounts of data rather than entire screen images that AOC clients employ. SOC client technology typically requires a Pocket PC or WinCE device in order to have sufficient processing power and data storage capability. AOC clients have small amounts of data or no data on board the device. 16 Blog: aforajayshahnirma.w ordpress.com
AOC Clients 17 AOC clients require a wireless connection that is always on to be able to access data and the user interface, or screen image. AOC clients typically use a browser for application interactions. Internet-like HTML or WAP is employed by the browser to view web pages that are especially designed for the smaller screens of mobile devices. AOC clients require transmission of the data and screen image for each user action. Consequently, mobile workers need a wireless connection constantly available in order to effectively use AOC client mobile devices. Blog: aforajayshahnirma.w ordpress.com