Late Republican patrician with busts (~ imagines) of his ancestors (maiores)
1 st c. CE, inscription (titulus) from the Arch of Titus
Late Republican coin celebrating Marcus Iunius Brutus and the assassination of Iulius Caesar in 44 BCE
2 nd c. CE papyrus with portions of the Gospels according to Luke and John
Early Imperial wax tablets (codex) and “pen” (stylus)
1 st /2 nd c. CE potsherds (ostraca) from Egypt with receipts
1 st c. CE Temple of Bacchus in Baalbek, Lebanon
1 st c. CE house (villa), Pompeii
1 st c. CE fresco from Pompeii
1 st c. CE mosaic from Herculaneum
4 th c. CE household pottery collection from Wiltshire, England
1 st c. CE, Emperor Augustus as chief priest (pontifex maximus)
1 st -4 th c. glass, private collection
Roman arms and armor (reenactors)
Comb Shoes Brooch (fibula)