Today, November 6, 2014 EQ: What were the major cultural and artistic achievements of medieval Japan? LO: Students will think-pair-write-share their responses to the bell work. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the cultural achievements of Japan by completing a Japanese fan containing facts about the major cultural accomplishments. Agenda: 1. Bellwork # 2 2. Japan Fan (If not finished with hw: finish storyboard)
Bellwork # 2 11/6/14 (pages 198, 200) COPY ALL AND ANSWER!!! Japan was isolated from China and Korea because it is an ____________. Most people in Japan live along the _____________ because it is flat. The traditional religion of Japan is called _____________. The early Japanese worshipped ____________or nature spirits.
The Japanese Fan: Architecture Visual Art Fashion Literature Performing arts
The Japanese Fan directions Design a fan that shows what the Japanese accomplished. Use the 5 Red subtitles on pgs to get info. You may draw the fan on paper or fold and create a fan For each section, write two points of information. Sections of the fan: Fashion, Literature, Visual Art, Architecture, Performing Arts Must be colored and decorated
The Japanese Fan: Architecture Visual Art Fashion Literature Performing arts Silk robes Gold jewelry Wrote in diaries/journals Worlds 1 st novel: “Tale of Genji Noh plays: history & heroes Jugglers & acrobats “natural” design Ponds & gardens Silk paintings Fancy writing “calligraphy”