MTSIP IMPLEMENTATION: PROGRESS TO-DATE Inga Bjork-Klevby Deputy Executive Director UN-HABITAT Seville, October 2008
Background MTSIP approved by resolution GC 21/2, 20 April 2007 MTSIP Action Plan presented December 2007 Defining 3 phases of implementation: 2008Kick-start phase Quick wins + start with must dos Roll out phase Must-dos + start full scope Scaling-up phase Purpose of MTSIP: 1) strengthened focus 2) more effective work at country level 3) institutional effectiveness
MTSIP is a process of change: cultural, strategic and institutional It takes time to reform and change It is difficult to quantify change Change requires internal and external champions Change requires: - Accountability/transparency, and - Empowerment (enabling environment, capacity, and resources) resources)
Progress to date – Where are we today? General achievements: Improved interdivisional cooperation – moving away from a silo culture. Increased alignment with the six focus areas: Effective advocacy, monitoring and partnership Promotion of planning, management and governance Promote pro-poor land and housing Environmentally sound basic urban infrastructure and services Strengthen human settlements financing systems Excellence in management
Progress to date – Where are we today? Specific achievements (refer to 3 rd MTSIP Progress Report) 10 of 12 quick wins defined in MTSIP Action Plan for 2008 on track. 2 others given top priority. Work commenced on all must do’s and will be partially implemented at the end of this year. Integration of MTSIP focus areas into work programme and budget.
Four out of twelve quick wins have implementation rate over 75%: harmonization of flagship reports, preparation of UN-HABITAT Country Programme Documents, launching of ERSO activities, and branding and resource mobilization. Six quick wins have implementation rate of over 50%. Though partially achieved, they are on track: concept paper for Global Campaign for Sustainable Urbanization, policy papers on the thematic focus areas of the MTSIP, strengthening the Programme Review Committee (PRC), participatory work programme and budget preparation, delegation of authority, and internal alignment. Progress on two institutional quick wins has been slower owing to linkages and dependencies, but will be the focus of efforts 4th quarter 2008 and ahead: Results-Based Management, and communications and information. Implementation of QUICK-Wins
Constraints and challenges Capacity and unpredictable resources/funding might affect implementation of the “must-dos” and going “full scope”. Multiple levels of oversight, reporting and governance. The organization is experiencing growth in demand for its expertise and services by Member States.
Priorities Implement results based and knowledge management: Develop strategic plans for each of the focus areas and Global Campaign Alignment of work programme and budget with MTSIP Become empowered to deliver: Recruitment of staff in key positions Mobilization of resources