SOLC RETREAT November 4 th -5 th Facilitators Lauren Miller, David Keach, and Andrew Sharkey
Student Alliance for the Welfare of Africa This group came to us requesting help with -Team Building -Bonding -Group and self improvement -Patience -Communication -Recruitment -Advertising
Schedule for retreat 5:45-6 introduction, food name game 6:45-7 energizers/review: shake eights, screamer, name toss 7-8:45pm initiatives: group juggling, Human knot 8:45-9 ships and sailors and debrief of the night Next day 9:945 breakfast 9:45-10:00 energizers 10:00- 12:00 went over mission statement and how they could use that to their benefit
Evaluations Half of members checked that SOLC was extremely effective in meeting their groups needs and the other half wrote very effective Eleven out of the fourteen members strongly agreed that this SOLC event helped their organization to develop into a stronger team. Nine members strongly agreed that SOLC helped them in making progress towards their goals.
Facilitator 1: Lauren Eight members of the group said she completely connected with the group while six said very much Seven members stated that she was extremely competent during the event while six said very competent Eight group members said she was extremely effective on maintaining a positive learning environment Comments: great job, good energy, helpful, don’t be so shy, fun but serious when needed
Facilitator 3 : David Eight members of the group said he completely connected with the group while six said very much Six members stated that he was extremely competent during the event while eight said very competent Seven group members said he was extremely effective on maintaining a positive learning environment and seven said very effective Comments: good listener, very friendly, inviting, open, outgoing, great suggestions
Overall comments Great work! Was a great experience We got to know each other better and got closer Very fun Loved this entire retreat We made our goals clear and learned solutions to our group problems
Overall success -Goals: Team Building, Bonding, Group and self improvement, Patience, Communication, Recruitment, Advertising -As a result of the SOLC event nine members strongly agreed that they made progress towards accomplishing their goals and five members agreed. -The comments were all positive and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves -Out of all the members everyone said either extremely satisfied or very satisfied with how well their expectations were met.
Things to work on in the future Working better together as facilitators, sometimes we were on different pages Working on transitions from activities to other things Debriefing- both as first time facilitators this aspect of the retreat was a little difficult. We used each other as resources however we need to learn more about debriefing before facilitating another retreat
Reflection As a first time facilitator I think overall the retreat went well. We arrived late and had to rearrange the schedule but this showed that we could be flexible and were able to deal with change Doing the actual retreat was easier than I expected especially since we had the schedule written up. One thing I liked about this group is that were all willing to participate and were very fun. They were patient and that was very helpful.
Reflection continued For next time I will know to write every detail even what I will be saying. For the debrief I was prepared but not fully. Next time I will have everything for the debrief written out and will ask for help ahead of time if I have questions I had a lot of fun and I am now very excited to lead other retreats!