AIM: Test Corrections and Graphing Practice Do Now: Write a two sentence reflection of your performance on the last test on the handout provided. You have three minutes to complete this.
HW Review: Regents Review 12 is due next Tuesday. There are 21 school days left until the Regents Exam Your Integrated Algebra Exam is Friday, June 18 th at 1:15pm
BIG IDEAS To do well on the Regents Exam, you need to study. If you hate studying, you can do better by doing ALL of the assigned work. That is the only alternative to not studying. Students who do ALL of the work assigned in this class do well on tests.
Today’s Tasks: 1. Test Corrections - If your paper has no percentage grade, you must do test corrections. - Test corrections are due this Friday for a Project Grade - You can even redo multiple choice questions this time. You all have the correct multiple choice answer, but you must show all the work. - We will go over an example of how I would like you to complete your test corrections
Today’s Tasks: #2. When you finish Test Corrections, begin Regents Review 12
Test Correction Example, Multiple Choice: #5.
Test Correction Example, Free Response: # 12
Summary: Regents Review 12 is due next Tuesday. Test Corrections are due back by this Friday.