Partnering for Better Outcomes Orange County Public Schools and Child Welfare.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnering for Better Outcomes Orange County Public Schools and Child Welfare

Karen Agrait Training Specialist Deliver curriculum in Child Abuse in accordance with Federal and State laws to Protective Investigators and Case Managers Provide Field Training to new staff to ensure policies and procedures are adhered to. Develop and deliver training to child welfare staff and community professionals to educate on child welfare and build partnerships.

 Manages formal Child Welfare Services for over 3,200 children Family Services is: Community Based Care Lead Agency in Orange/Osceola Contracts with Providers Oversees Protective Services Implements Prevention Programs COA Accredited Family Services of Metro Orlando is one of the largest Community Based Care Organizations in the system

FSMO Florida DCF Service Provider Case Management Organization Case Management Organization Service Provider Service Provider

Services Provided Community Based Interventions, Family Team Conferencing, Mental Health Counseling, Medical Services, Behavioral Services…Just to name a few.

The Alarming Reality  Every 4 minutes, a child is abused or neglected in Florida.  Maltreated youth are 59% more likely to commit delinquent acts than non-maltreated youth  In Fiscal Year, 204,429 hotline reports were made in Florida (Information extracted from child welfare database Home SafeNet)  Approximately 60 children enter into the system each month, while only 5-7 percent are placed in out of home care each month.  9 percent of all state abuse and neglect reports come out of Orange and Osceola county. Building Bridges, CWLA, 2006

ABUSE Contact the Abuse Hotline for any suspicion of Abuse and Neglect Once the call is made, a Protective Investigator commences the case within 24 hours, immediately if exigent circumstances. Investigation begins with allegations and ends with one of these decisions: It happened, didn’t happen, could have happened! Keep in mind, It’s best to directly report to the hotline. Remember the telephone communication game! First Things First!

Safety Vs Risk Current dangerous conditions Now or in the near future Purpose is to control the situation to prevent harm from happening in the short term Specific threats to child safety Assessed quickly Evaluates family situations and behaviors that MUST be controlled today Situations (stressors) that may place the child in dangerous conditions. In the future Purpose is to reduce or resolve the problems that lead to risk Assess over a period of time Conditions that threaten child’s general well-being Evaluates family situations that may need to be treated

The Department has to show “probable cause” that the child is at risk of harm if returned to the environment for which he was removed. (within 24 hours) At Adjudicatory Hearing the Department must provide more evidence for than against that the abuse, neglect, abandonment occurred than not by “preponderance of the evidence” To terminate Parental Rights the Department must provide “clear and convincing” evidence that the abuse/neglect occurred. Indicating almost all the answers have been answered in the judge’s mind that termination is to occur. Judicial Actions

Foster youth face many barriers to educational success. One of the largest barriers is the frequent disruptions of their education due to change in schools. Research shows that youth lose an average of 4 to 6 months of educational attainment each time they change schools. Over a third of young adults reported having had 5 or more school changes. (Courtney, M.E., Terao, S. & Bost, N. 2004)

Loss of mom and dad Attachment issues; Lack of Trust New place to live with new rules New school; Grades Drop Possible separation from siblings Placement disruption Living with a sense of uncertainty Constant stream of people in & out of their lives Issues Children Face when Removed

What do they need? Advocates Foster Parents Family Members Family Case Manager Mentor SCHOOL STAFF

National Foster Youth Advisory Council (NFYAC) came up with a list of 10 things to improve educational outcomes for youth in foster care: 1.Create a circle of support for the youth that can help with educational decisions and planning. 2.Create stability for the youth in regards to their placement. 3.Allow youth to be involved in making decisions about their educational future. 4.Raise the bar for youth in care- communicate belief and confidence in their ability to accomplish things and fulfill their dreams.

Call to Action Continued 5.Identify strengths and highlight their interests and aspirations. 6.Help teachers, guidance counselors and other adults in their life understand the foster care system. 7.Ensure that youth have opportunities to manage information about themselves. 8.Respect their privacy by not allowing their peers or entire school system to know their situation. 9.Provide them with skills both tangible and intangible skills to take care of themselves. 10.Develop federal and state policies that promote their success.

Issues / Concerns Children graduating with a special diploma that is not commensurate to a High School Degree Getting appropriate testing for children with suspected development delays Children aging out of the system in 10 th or 11 th grade

Karen Agrait Family Services of Metro Orlando 2600 Technology Dr. Orlando, Fl (direct line) “What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napolean Hill