WHAT IS LOOKOUT ? We proposed this device to cope the kidnapped problems that become a rampant issues these days. Not only that, we frequently hear Alzheimer’s elders always have problem in find their way back home. We designed a GPS tracker “Lookout” in which the device and mobile apps work together to keep track the loved ones. It allows the parents and organizations as the admin to see, hear and knowing where exactly they are located to ensure that their loved ones are always safe. This GPS tracker comes in sets (GPS tracker device, proximity sensors and mobile apps). First, the GPS tracker device which features HD video camera, speed dial button, WIFI and a GPS locator. These features allow admin to see what the kids and elders see with HD live view and talk with their kids or elders anytime and anywhere.
OBJECTIVE To keep track the loved ones located. To make sure kids and Alzheimer’s elders in safe condition. To safe admin’s time to search them unnecessarily. To produce reliable, wearable device for children and elders.
PROBLEM Parents nowadays are too busy with their jobs. Some of their kids going to school by themselves either walking or riding the bicycle. Although, during the kids’ free time after school they want to go play at the park, but you have a full day of grocery shopping, and housework ahead of you. So do you make your child sit and watch TV, while you take care of business? Or let them go outside and play at the park across the street? In security aspect, the kids maybe will get a risk of being kidnapped or anything bad happen without guide of their parents. Apart from that, the elderlies also need some monitoring. They are in an age range that need more attention, because lately there are some news regarding the disappearance of these peoples. They are already past 60, how can we expect them to care for themselves like they ever did?
TARGET USER Parent NGO Kids ( device ) Folks ( device )
SOLUTIONS With the existing GPS tracker, both admin and user must have smartphone to use it. Logically, the target user of this particular software would be a parents of a child with 12 years and below, means the child already have a phone at their age. It is not impossible but not everyone can afford to buy phone for their child at the early age cause at their age it is not suitable. Thus making it impractical and no matter how great the software is, but the usability of the products isn’t there. So we come up with an idea, we would build a device “Lookout” which the user can wear without any hassle and easy. The device itself must have a greater function than smartphone to attract people to buy. Our Lookout GPS Tracker have a not only have the best functions, the interface itself is a user-friendly and user can use it without tutorial. Lookout tracer is a GPS tracker that have the most simplest and easiest interface that you ever had.
HOMEPAGE Much simpler than the past one. We want to design an interface that did not require any tutorial.
PAPER PROTOTYPING We had to remove the menu icon located on the left top of the screen as it was not useful, therefore we replaced it with our ‘Lookout’ icon. Add button is added because from the previous prototype there are no save button. ( Call & Track ) There are suggestion that we have to create a ‘ Sign up’ page. Therefore, this page is created so that new user can register their own account. Removed the box that contain group name, therefore there wil be less space used and replaced it with the drop-down panel that can show all contact or selected group in the track page. ( Track Page ) We received feedback that this task confused the user a bit because it need some instructions, therefore we put the page in order, starting from an empty zone until the delete task has been completed. Besides, we added a pop-up notification to tell the user if they already completed the task. ( Set zone )
Person’s current location/address will appeared if user clicked the icon on right top of the screen. Besides, a navigate button also been added on the appeared address box, so user can get direction to the tracked person’s location. Moreover, if the call button is clicked, user can directly call the person on this screen. Unlike before which the call button will link to the call screen ( Call menu). Add button is added because from the previous prototype there are no save button, so the user will get confused on how to know that their task has already been done. Besides, a pop-up notification with message ‘ Group succesfully created !’ will appeared after user completed this function. ( Track page ) Font color has been changed to a darker color. ( View page )
HEURISTIC EVALUATION The text and logo position are always consistent through out the app. The design is simple and minimalist as we did not add unnecessary information. The terms that we use is universal as everyone can understand. Easy to undo if user mistake in making an action.
USER TESTING Most of the user did not have any difficulties in tasks. But there is still some user have a mistakes. There is still lack in this application, but we will try our best to ensure the app operate efficiently.
CONCLUSION This application has been design according to HCI steps. If there is any problems, we will try to fix it as we could. We hope with this app, we would help people and solve their dilemmas.