UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA CORSO DI LAUREA INTERFACOLTA’ IN COMUNICAZIONE INTERCULTURALE E MULTIMEDIALE HUMANISTIC MANAGER: IL CASO OBAMA Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Marco Minghetti Correlatore: Anno accademico Tesi di: Chiar.mo Prof. Andrea Fontana 2008/2009 Marco Moscarelli
INTRODUCTION What is the humanistic management? Birth of the humanistic management: Mr. Minghetti talks about a new business control “ Biblioteca Agip” by Mr. Minghetti, a work about communication and interaction “ Hamlet” by Mr. Minghetti, dialogue between the members of the staff birth of the “ Manifesto of the humanistic management” thanks to Mr. Minghetti and Mrs. Cutrano “Nulla due volte”, another step towards an interdisciplinary vision by Mr. Minghetti and Mrs. Szymborska birth of TRE60, a new socialmedia in which the humanistic management is really applied Nowadays Obama can be considered the first humanistic manager in politics
HUMANISTIC MANAGER The role in the company : collaboration, dialogue, understanding the “soul” of the firm, open mentality and strong ideas The innovative approach: based on opening ( sharing the information), peering ( horizontal communication), comparison and group sharing, global action ( considering the hole world as a nation)
HUMANISTIC MANAGER Understand and utilize the capability of the staff and of the company :confidence, respect, collaboration, play. Peolple with talent: the genious is precious for the firm and for his colleagues. The importance of the team.
HUMANISTIC MANAGER The language: clear, effective, not boring, able to join different kinds of people. Never a seductive language. Convivial business: peaceful working environment, no stress, cooperation. The leader as a man able to motivate.
OBAMA THE HUMANISTIC MANAGER It is very important to underline that Obama is not involved in a company contest; the political setting is very difficoult and he is a great innovator. His different approach can be a road that other politicians can follow.
OBAMA THE HUMANISTIC MANGER Energy = motivation by involvement. Important to show energy, have energy and transmit it to the others. The leader as a common man. The citizens are the centre of every programme: “ yes we can”. Dialogue with citizens: web 2.0, open for questions. Questions during his meetings.
OBAMA THE HUMANISTIC MANAGER We over I: the importance of the community, everyone is indispensable, everyone can talk and discuss. The leader is one of the “group”. Valorisation of people: they are important, they are the future, the past and the present. They can change the situation because they are special.
OBAMA THE HUMANISTIC MANAGER Technology: web 2.0, social network, blog, chat. Everyone can talk, discuss and suggest. Open mind, faster and easier communication. Leader thanks to the company: understand the setting, the people, the situation and put them at the centre of everything.
OBAMA THE HUMANISTIC MANAGER Storytelling: the words in order to empathize oneself in someone. Tell a story near to the listeners. Convince and persuade. Obama as a common man, as a hero, as the new Robin Hood. Does he use hypnosis? Pauses, movements with hands, not very clear or extremely evident sentences.
CONLUSION Obama is a great communicator. He uses a lot of the techniques of the humanistic management, especially the dialogue, the use of technology and the capability to spur the others. He is the first humanistic manager in politic.