Antarctica Wildlife Images can be downloaded here from the BAS image collection here: Title slide/background templates can be downloaded from the BAS Intranet here:
Antarctic Penguins Penguins are the most common bird in the Antarctic Of the 17 different types of penguin, only two (emperor and Adélie) make the Antarctic continent their true home Chinstrap, gentoo and macaroni penguins breed on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula King penguins only breed on the warmer, more northerly sub-Antarctic islands More info available at:
Emperor penguins
King penguins
Adélie penguins
Chinstrap penguin
Macaroni penguins
Antarctic Seals There are six Antarctic seal species: Leopard Ross Weddell Crabeater Fur Elephant Leopard, Ross, Weddell and Crabeater seals are ice habitat specialists, breeding on the sea ice in spring. Leopard and Ross seals tend to be solitary, whereas Weddell and Crabeater form loose breeding aggregations Antarctic fur seals and elephant seals are found north of the pack-ice zone and breed in dense colonies on beaches.
Leopard seal
Ross seal
Weddell seal
Fur seals
Elephant seals (females)
Elephant seal (male)
Humpback whale
Killer whale
Minke whale
Wandering albatrosses
Black-browed albatross
Grey-headed albatrosses
Light-mantled sooty albatross
Antarctic skua
Northern giant petrel
Arctic tern
Snow petrel
Sea stars and molluscs
Giant sea spider
Giant sponge and diver