2004 2005 George R. Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Considering.


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Presentation transcript:

George R. Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Considering Inbreeding in Making Breeding Decisions

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (2)G. R. Wiggans What is inbreeding?  The likelihood that an animal inherits the same gene from each parent because the parents have ancestors in common

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (3)G. R. Wiggans Why is inbreeding important?  The higher the inbreeding, the more likely deleterious recessives will be expressed  Inbreeding depression = the resulting reduction in performance

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (4)G. R. Wiggans Inbreeding depression per 1% inbreeding Milk-65.3lbDPR-0.078% Fat-2.37lbSCS+0.003score Protein-2.14lbPL-0.2mo

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (5)G. R. Wiggans How inbreeding is used in calculation of PTA’s  Lactation records and relationship matrix are adjusted for inbreeding  Evaluations are adjusted for expected future inbreeding  Expected future inbreeding is half the relationship of the animal to 600 recent cows

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (6)G. R. Wiggans Benefits of AIPL procedure  Bull not penalized if daughters are inbred  Bulls docked if they are more highly related to potential mates than average


CONSIDERING INBREEDING (8)G. R. Wiggans Limitation of AIPL procedure  PTA is not adjusted for the bull’s relationship to a particular mate

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (9)G. R. Wiggans What can be done about inbreeding?  When breeding a cow, use an unrelated sire  Progeny of a highly inbred cow will not be inbred if she and the mating sire have no common ancestors

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (10)G. R. Wiggans Is this practical?  Usually, no  Intensive selection has led to rising levels of inbreeding  Popular sires are likely to be related to many cows

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (11)G. R. Wiggans Holstein Inbreeding

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (12)G. R. Wiggans What are mating programs?  Computer programs that recommend a service sire for a cow  The more pedigree data they have, the better recommendations they can make  Use of a mate that will cause higher inbreeding in the calf is justified if the superiority in PTA exceeds the additional inbreeding depression

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (13)G. R. Wiggans Examples of mating programs  Holstein Inbreeding Calculator  Jersey-Mate  Stud programs

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (14)G. R. Wiggans Crossbreeding  Mating parents of different breeds  Provides relief from inbreeding  Heterosis – superiority over the average of the parents

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (15)G. R. Wiggans Average heterosis value Milk+700lbDPR+1.8% Fat+35lbSCS+0.02score Protein+26lbPL+0.3mo

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (16)G. R. Wiggans Crossbreds in genetic evaluations  Methods to include records of crossbreds are being developed  All breeds can be included in the same evaluation  Requires pedigree of crossbreds including parental breed  On farm software may choke on:  Norwegian Red  Montbéliard  Ranking depends on breed of mate

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (17)G. R. Wiggans Conclusions  Inbreeding reduces productivity  Semen should be allocated to minimize the inbreeding of progeny  Mating programs can be profitable  Crossbreeding gives heterosis (relief from inbreeding depression)  Genetic evaluations that include crossbreds are coming

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (18)G. R. Wiggans Other research at AIPL  Evaluations for:  Stillbirth  Male fertility  Persistency  Disease resistance  Change in PL to credit longer lactations  Detecting abnormal distributions of calving ease scores

CONSIDERING INBREEDING (19)G. R. Wiggans Other research at AIPL (Cont)  Parentage verification based on Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP)  Determine the rate of parentage errors  Using SNP to trace inheritance of chromosomal segments  Potential to greatly increase accuracy of parent average