MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 41 To days Outline Continuous system Discrete systems Subsystem Masking Exercises on this days topics
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 42 Continuous System Continuous Integrator External reset Rising, Falling, Either, Level Initial condition Internal External Limited output (saturation) Upper limit Lower limit
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 43 Continuous System Vector signal lines Format: Wide non scalar lines Format: Signal dimension Makes it easer to understand the model Easy to find algebraic misstakes
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 44 Discrete systems MATLAB can transform Continuous transfer functions to Discrete transfer functions. >> SysC=tf(1,[1 1 1]) Transfer function: s^2 + s + 1 >> SysD=c2d(SysC,1) Transfer function: z z^ z Sampling time: 1
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 45 Discrete systems
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 46 Hybrid systems Consists of both continuous and discrete components. Simulate a continuous process controlled by a discrete controller (computer)
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 47 Subsystems To get a better overview of the model Capture logical parts into a block Select all the blocks and signals to be included in the subsystem. Choose Edit:create subsystem from the model window.
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 48 Subsystem Model with Subsystems
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 49 Masking Permits us to treat a subsystem as it were a simple block A masked block may have: A custom icon Dialog boxes From model window, Choose Edit:Mask Subsystem
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 410 Masking Icon Create custom icon Parameters Link prompted values to blocks
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 411 Masking Initialization Define additional parameters used in subsystem or icon page Documentation Mask type Mask description Mask help
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 412 Masking The result
MATLAB och SimulinkLecture 413 Exercises on this days topics Continue to explore Simulink by using the models from this days lecture. Try to create subsystems Try to mask subsystem