Mercury By: Megan Otto
Mercury’s Symbol Symbol is similar to what the god looks like: Mercury/ Hermes, messenger of gods
Mercury got it’s name It was named Mercury because how fast it moves in the sky. Mercury, the roman god of commerence, travel and thievery, the counterpart of Hermes the messenger of the gods.
The Discovery of Mercury In 1631, Thomas Harriot and Galileo Gallilei observed Mercury threw telescope.
Mercury’s Distances It is the closest planet to the sun. It is 57.9 km from the sun It is 77.3 million kilometers (or 43.4 million miles) from Earth.
Mercury’s Measurements The mass is 3.3 x kg (kilograms), that is 1/20 th of the mass of Earth! The density is 5,427 kg Mercury would sink because it is the second most dense planet in the solar system. The gravity is 3.7m/s 2
Mercury’s Orbit and Rotation It takes 88 Earth days to make 1 rotation. It also takes 59 Earth days to rotate on it’s axis.
Mercury’s Atmosphere Mercury’s atmosphere is a thin atmosphere made up of Oxygen (O 2 ), Sodium (Na), Hydrogen (H 2 ), Helium (He), and Potassium (K).
Mercury’s Temperature The temperature reaches 430 o C (800 o F) and drops to -180 o C (9-290 o F). It is hotter and colder than both Earth and Florida.
Mercury’s Composition/ Appearance This planet is rocky and the surface is similar to Earth’s moon. The inside is a metallic iron nickel core and the core is really hot and fluid. It has a rocky surface. It is similar in Earth’s moon in appearance. There are many huge craters that cover the surface.
Mercury’s Weather It is really humid to burn people to a crisp and can melt you during the day. At night, it is really cold leading up to having both summer and winter being very intense.
Rings/ Moons As a matter of fact, Mercury has no rings and no moons. It is interesting that Mercury is one of the only planets without rings and without moons orbiting it. Maybe it really is as fast as it’s name that it doesn’t need moons.
Mercury’s Water There is in fact, water ice on Mercury. Meaning there are pockets that do not receive sunlight causing ice to form somewhere on Mercury.
What would happen to a human on Mercury? It is very unlikely a human could survive on the planet because of how hot and cold the temperatures on Mercury are. Plus the human to step foot on it would burn up immediately or freeze up immediately.
Mercury is Special A robot named Messenger confirmed many things about Mercury, water ice, etc. The axis is tilted to give two seasons to be extreme like summer and winter.
THE END!!!!!!!
Citations "Welcome to the Planets: Mercury." Welcome to the Planets. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec "Solar System Exploration: : Planets." Solar System Exploration: : Planets. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec "Windows to the Universe." Windows to the Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec "Universe Today." Universe Today RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec Jauregui, Andres. "Water On Mercury: NASA Announces Discovery Of Ice At Planet's Poles." The Huffington Post., 29 Nov Web. 19 Dec